Torek, 17. februar ob 21.00 v Menzi pri koritu!
Ekipa feminističnega in queerovskega festivala Rdeče zore je v polnem zagonu in v pripravah na 16. izdajo festivala, ki bo na sporedu med 5. in 8. marcem 2015. Lahko ga podprete že na pustni torek z lastno udeležbo na benefitu, kjer bo prišlo na plano vse, kar bi radi pokazali drugim: nove kričave frizure, novo politično prepričanje, nestalno spolno identiteto, skrita razmerja z nasprotnim ali istim spolom ali pa vaš nepogrešljiv občutek za disko koreografijo! Tema letošnjega karnevalskega večera so: (ne)slavni pari in kolektivi. Več nas bo, prej bomo na cilju!
21:00 - Vrata
22:00 - Karaoke
Karaoke: Tradicionalni pustni benefit bo tudi tokrat povezovala in ogrevala Meta! Prepevali in zabavali pa se boste predvsem vi in vaši poslušalci.
Glasba: SVEMIR MANGO je tako v prostem kot ujetem času ruski znanstvenik. Pust mu je najljubši dan v letu, ker lahko dela poskuse na svoji identiteti. Kadar pleše, pleše zares in ker je širokega duha to počne na vse glasbe sveta
Dress code: (Ne)slavni pari in kolektivi Vabljeni vse maske in šeme v stilu: John Lennon & Yoko Ono, Thelma & Louise, Die Rote Zora und ihre Bande, Trije mušketirji, Baader-Meinhof Group, Svi goli pa ko šta voli, itd.
Organizacija: Red Dawns
Podpora: @Menza Pri Koritu
The team of feminist and queer festival Red Dawns is now working at full speed for preparation of the 16th edition of the festival, which will take place between 5-8th of March, 2015. You can express your support for the festival on Carnival Night with your attendance at the benefit where you can show to others: new radiating haircuts, new political belief, unstable sexual identity, hidden relations with the opposite or same gender or indispensable sense for disco choreography! This years' carnival theme: (in)famous couples and collectives. Weetsch nas boo, prhey bhomo nah tzheelyhuu!
21:00 - Doors
22:00 - Caraoke
Caraoke: Traditional carnival benefit will be once again moderated and performed by Meta! It's you who and your listeners who will be having fun the most!
Music: SVEMIR MANGO in free and trapped time s/he is a Russian scientist. Carnival Tuesday is her/his favorite time of the year when s/he can do identity experiments. When s/he dances it's for real and when s/he does it so cordial and to all the music of the world.
Dress code: (In)famous couples and collectives. Invited masks and mardi gras lovers in following styles: John Lennon & Yoko Ono, Thelma & Louise, Die Rote Zora und ihre Bande, Three musketeers, Baader-Meinhof Group, Svi goli pa ko šta voli, etc.
Doors: 21h
Caraoke: 22h
Organization: Rdeče zore
Support: Menza Pri Koritu
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