četrtek, 24. oktober 2013

Red Dawns: Saturday, October 26th 2013

The program on Saturday, October 26th, is going to wrap-up the special autumn edition of Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns, organized in collaboration with City of Women - 19th International Festival of Contemporary Art as part of our joined project Red Dawn above the City of Women.

You can check the whole program at our website. This Saturday, you are invited to the following events:

13.00, Mesarski most, Central market, Ljubljana
Street dance performance
ACT Women (Serbia): My Body, My Territory


A socially engaged performance about sexual violence against women. It is dedicated to sexual abuse survivors and addresses the complex process that women who have experienced it go through: from the moment of rape to the point when they decide to report it to the police and dare to say: »Rape is never a woman's fault. The perpetrator is the one who should be ashamed.«
No entrance fee

16.30, in front of Menza pri koritu, ACC Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana
Ana Čigon (Slovenia): Dear Ladies, Thank You

An evolving performance that has been presented in several variations. The common thread that connects all versions is the discourse of the under-representation of women in art history, art theory, art institutions, and in the broader collective memory.
The performance is a part of Urban Art Projects, produced by KUD Mreža. Supported by Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the City Municipality of Ljubljana.
No entrance fee
18.00, Menza pri koritu, ACC Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana
Lectures and workshop
Jasmina Husanović (BiH): Doing a double-take through BiH lenses: Materialising feminist and anticapitalist critique and practice
Lilijana Burcar (Slovenia):
From an orchestrated destruction of socialism back to capitalist barbarism: imposition of regressive socio-economic status for women
No entrance fee

21.00, start in Menza pri koritu, follow-up in A-Infoshop, ACC Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana
Reading performance
Bibliothèque Érotique (The Netherlands): The Empire of the Senses

Bibliothèque Érotique will start with a short reading performance in Menza pri koritu and continue their erotic readings (
Henry Miller, Marquis de Sade, Audre Lorde, Anaïs Nin ...) in a more intimate manner in A-Infoshop, which will get a make-over for this special occasion, arranged by Ljubljana's own Red Cabaret. The audience is invited to discover, through sight, taste, touch and sound, an enhanced experience for their erotic fantasies. Consensus, respect and enjoyment will constitute the precepts of ‘Boudoir des Sens’.
Price for both events in Menza: 7 eur, 5 eur (students upon submission of an identity card, pensioners, persons with disabilities, unemployed and self-employed in culture).
Read more * Facebook

22.00, Menza pri koritu, ACC Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana
Sound performance
chra & Cherry Sunkist (Austria): black black black black nr.1

The sound performance takes place in complete darkness, allowing the listener to rely on her ears and imagination, rather than her eyes; to experience sound in a public, yet intimate, setting. Their experimental mix of pop, dub, minimal techno, and ambiental electronic music is played at different volumes, and from different angles, encouraging the audience to approach this ever-changing soundscape actively, by moving through space and in between other listeners. .
Price for both events in Menza: 7 eur, 5 eur (students upon submission of an identity card, pensioners, persons with disabilities, unemployed and self-employed in culture). Supported by the City Municipality of Ljubljana - Department of Culture
Read more * Facebook

The program will continue with DJane Vaservaga's & DJ Augenmas' (Slovenia) "Kein spass, bitte!" DJ program, featuring electro music, Syrian techno and Youtube extravaganza.
All events, except for Ana Čigon's performance, are supported by Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.

Rdeče zore: sobota, 26. oktober 2013

S sobotnim programom zaključujemo posebno oktobrsko edicijo Feminističnega in queerovskega festivala Rdeče zore, ki je potekal v sodelovanju z 19. mednarodnim festivalom sodobnih umetnosti Mesto žensk v okviru skupnega projekta Rdeča zora nad Mestom žensk.

Celoten program si lahko ogledate na naši spletni strani. V soboto, 26. oktobra, vas vabimo vas na naslednje dogodke:

13.00, Mesarski most, Ljubljana
Ulična plesna predstava
ACT Women (Srbija): Moje telo, moje ozemlje 

Angažirana predstava se posveča ženskam, ki so preživele spolno zlorabo. Obravnava kompleksen proces, skozi katerega gredo zlorabljene ženske: od nasilne izkušnje do trenutka, ko se odločijo za prijavo policiji in si drznejo reči: »Za posilstvo ni nikoli kriva ženska; nasilnež je tisti, ki bi se moral sramovati.« 


16.30, pred Menzo pri koritu, AKC Metelkova mesto
Ana Čigon (Slovenija): Drage dame, hvala

Drage dame, hvala je performans v nastajanju / spreminjanju, ki tematizira premajhno zastopanost žensk v umetnostni zgodovini in teoriji, umetnostnih institucijah in širšem kolektivnem spominu.

Performans je del Urbanih likovnih projektov, ki jih izvaja KUD Mreža. S podporo: Mestna občina Ljubljana (MOL) in Ministrstvo RS za kulturo (MK)


18.00, Menza pri koritu, AKC Metelkova mesto
Predavanji in delavnica
Jasmina Husanović (BiH): Dvojni vidik skozi leče BiH: Uresničitev spoja feministične teorije in antikapitalistične kritike v praksi
Lilijana Burcar (Slovenija):
S strukturnim uničenjem socializma nazaj v kapitalistično barbarstvo: družbeno-ekonomski položaj žensk


21.00, začetek v Menzi pri koritu, nadaljevanje v A-Infoshopu, AKC Metelkova mesto
Bralni performans
Bibliothèque Érotique (Nizozemska): Cesarstvo čutil

Mednarodni kolektiv Bibliothèque Érotique bo z branjem erotične proze (Henry Miller, Marquis de Sade, Audre Lorde, Anaïs Nin,...) prebujal in razvajal vaš voh, dotik, vid, okus in sluh – vaše čute in čutnost. S pomočjo članic in članov domače ekipe Rdečega cabareta bosta prostora zaživela v popolnoma novi, v stilu damskega bodouirja opremljeni podobi. Tri glavna vodila kolektiva Bibliothèque Érotique so soglasje, spoštovanje in užitek. 

Vstopnina za oba dogodka v Menzi: 7 €, 5 € (dijaki/nje, študenti/ke, upokojenci/ke, brezposelni/ne in gibalno ovirani/ne ob predložitvi dokazila ter samozaposleni/ne v kulturi).
Več o dogodku * Facebook

22.00, Menza pri koritu, AKC Metelkova mesto
Zvočni performans
chra & Cherry Sunkist (Avstrija): črna črna črna črna št.1

Zvočni performans se bo odvijal v popolni temi. Občinstvu ponuja zvočno izkušnjo, ki se zanaša na ušesa in domišljijo, ne na oči. Razgibana zvočna pokrajina dunajskih glasbenic združuje prvine popa, duba, minimalističnega tehna in ambientalne elektronske glasbe.

Vstopnina za oba dogodka v Menzi: 7 €, 5 € (dijaki/nje, študenti/ke, upokojenci/ke, brezposelni/ne in gibalno ovirani/ne ob predložitvi dokazila ter samozaposleni/ne v kulturi). Podpora: Mestna občina Ljubljana (MOL) - Oddelek za kulturo
Več o dogodku * Facebook

Zvočnemu performansu bo sledil DJ program "Kein spass, bitte!" z DJane Vaservaga & DJ Augenmasom (Slovenija), ki bosta priskrbela elektro glasbo, sirski tehno in Youtube ekstravaganco.

Vse dogodke razen performansa Ane Čigon je podprla Izvajalska agencija za izobraževanje, avdiovizualno področje in kulturo.

ponedeljek, 14. oktober 2013

Red Dawns: Special October Edition 2013

Welcome to the special October edition of Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns. For this occasion, we have allied with the 19th International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women.

Our joint project Red Dawn above the City of Women continues our locally situated feminist and queer politics. We look across national borders, because we believe that patriarchy is transnational. We are convinced that borders between genders as well as between nations and classes can be crossed, moved, and demolished with art, activism, and theory; that these forms of expression intertwine in our struggle for the ‘impossible’ – for that which is yet to come.

From October 3rd to 13th 2013, you could visit City of Women whose 2013 slogan Let’s Create a Place for Ourselves invited you to a variety of interdisciplinary, multicultural and multimedia events.

From October 12th to 26th 2013, Red Dawns welcome you to the special 2013 edition. Click here to access the full program.

Festival concept:
Tea Hvala: Red Dawn above the City of Women
Mara Vujič: All Different, All Equal!
Vesna Leskošek: Personal is Political and Public Privatised

To access the schedule for all events, click here (PDF).


City of Women, October 2nd – 13th 2013
PDF version

Red Dawns, October 12th – 26th 2013
SWF version
(to browse, click on any corner of the page)

As part of the Red Dawns Festival, two events will be held on the occasion of the reissue of the Simone de Beauvoir’s book The Second Sex.

We hope that our festival reaches you. And we hope that the critical insights and pleasurable experiences we offer in our program are going to help you live – not only survive, but live in hope that one day, the sun is going to really rise above the City of Women.

Oktober 2013: Posebna edicija Rdečih zor

Posebna oktobrska edicija Mednarodnega feminističnega in queerovskega festivala Rdeče zore poteka v sodelovanju s festivalom Mesto žensk v okviru projekta Rdeča zora nad mestom žensk
Oktobrsko dogajanje ste med 3. in 13. oktobrom 2013 lahko obiskale* na 19. Mednarodnem festivalu sodobnih umetnosti – Mesto žensk, ki je potekal pod geslom Ustvarimo si mesto.

Dogodki Mednarodnega feminističnega in queerovskega festivala Rdeče zore bodo sledili med 12. in 26. oktobrom 2013.

Festivalska izhodišča Tea Hvala: Rdeča zora nad mestom žensk
Mara Vujič: Vsi različni, vsi enakopravni
Vesna Leskošek: Osebno je politično, javno pa privatizirano

Celoten urnik (časovnica v PDF)

Posamezna kataloga
2.-13. oktober 2013:
19. Mednarodni festival sodobnih umetnosti – Mesto žensk (PDF) Spletna verzija je dostopna tukaj.

12. – 26. oktober 2013:
Mednarodni feministični in queerovski festival Rdeče zore
(SWF – za listanje klikni na katerikoli rob)

V okviru festivala Rdeče zore se bosta ob ponatisu knjige Drugi spol Simone de Beauvoir odvila še dva dogodka. *

Upamo, da vas bo Rdeča zora nad Mestom žensk dosegla. Upamo, da vam lahko poleg kritičnih uvidov ponudimo veselje ob doživetjih, ki nam bodo pomagala živeti, ne zgolj životariti v upanju na sonce, ki bo nekoč morda zares vzšlo nad Mestom žensk.
Vaše Rdeče zore.
*Ženski spol v vseh besedilih na spletni strani nagovarja tudi osebe, ki se ne opredeljujejo kot ženske.

četrtek, 3. oktober 2013

Javni poziv za prostovoljke in prostovoljce / Call for festival volunteers

Scroll down for English version
Posebna izdaja Mednarodnega feminističnega in queer festivala Rdeče zore, 12. – 26. 10. 2013

Feministični in queerovski festival Rdeče zore vabi prostovoljke in prostovoljce k sodelovanju pri pripravi in izvedbi posebne izdaje festivala, ki se bo odvijal od 12. - 26. oktobra 2013 na različnih lokacijah v AKC Metelkova mesto in na drugih ljubljanskih prizoriščih.

Če si želiš pridobiti izkušnje pri organizaciji festivala, aktivno sodelovati pri promociji, se družiti z ustvarjalkami in ustvarjalci festivala, pomagati na performansih in drugih dogodkih ter se aktivno spoznati s feministično in queerovsko tematiko, nas kontaktiraj najkasneje do 9. oktobra 2013 na: 
rdece.zore@gmail.com (zadeva:PROSTOVOLJSTVO). Vabljeni tudi študenti in študentke, ki bi pri nas radi opravili študijsko prakso.

Povezava na program: 

Rdeče Zore
KUD MREŽA, Masarykova 24, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

Special edition of International Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns, 12. – 26. 10. 2013

The international feminist and queer festival Red Dawns invites volunteers to help us with the preparation and implementation of the special edition of festival, which will exceptionally take place in the second half of October 2013 at various venues of AKC Metelkova Mesto, Ljubljana.

If you wish to gain experience in festival organisation, actively assist with promotion, socially interact with the festival participants, assist on various events and gain a deeper insight into feminist and queer topics and activism, please don’t hesitate to write us:
rdece.zore@gmail.com (with subject: VOLUNTEERS). Deadline for the applications is 9st October 2013. Highly motivated students, who are looking for traineeship are also welcome to join us.


Red Dawns 
KUD MREŽA, Masarykova 24, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija