V soboto, 9. februarja 2013, ob 22.00 v Menzi pri
AKC Metelkova mesto
(Scroll down for English version)
Ekipa feminističnega in queerovskega festivala Rdeče
zore je v tem času v polnem zagonu. 14. festival je tik pred vrati, dogajal se bo med 6. in 9. marcem 2013. Lahko ga podprete že na pustno
soboto, kjer bodo prišle na plano vse vsebine, oblike in vrste spolnih
izkrivljenosti, poravnanosti in fluidnosti. Tema večera bo namreč »gender freak show«, kjer bodo
binarnosti in pretočnosti znotraj spolov prav posebej zaželjene.
Karaoke z Meto
Ste si vedno
želele zapetinajljubšo
pesem pred
množičnim občinstvom? Ste vedno sanjali o trenutku slave? Bi rado svetu
pokazalo, kaj zmorete? Če ste na zgornja vprašanja odgovorili pritrdilno, naj
vam sporočimo neverjetno novico. Vse to in še več bo možno v soboto,saj so na programu karaoke z Meto. Občinstvo bo zagotovljeno, trenutek
slave prav tako, poslušalstvo pa bo primorano v poslušanje vašega opernega
cviljenja ali pa nežnega rjovenja, zato pogum v žep in skok na oder.
DJ program z
zaključenih karaokah vas bosta veličastna, briljantna in izjemno občudovana DJ
in DjaneGroßUndArtig zibala v ritmih electropop-female-dancy-hip-to-hop-alles
kind of music.
Pred, med in po preplesavanju si boste
lahko v »Rdečkinem kotičku« privoščile slasten koktejl,unikatne, ročno
potiskane majice, predpasnike in druge pripravke za popestritev vaših kostumov.
Želodčke si boste lahko napolnili z
mastno-slastnimi miškami, s srečko pa si lahko v tomboli usode priigrate čisto novo prihodnost! Za
dekoracijo in s tem nadnaravno dobro počutje bo poskrbela ekipa Alota Trash.
Skratka - če želite pustno soboto
preživeti nenavadno, razposajeno, vroče, nabreknjeno, torejčudovito, pokajoče,
sijajno in odlično - je to pravi kraj za vas.
Dresscode: »genderfreakshow«
Ana Čigon
Sodelovanje in podpora:
DJ in DJaneGroßUndArtig,
Saturday, February, 9th 2013,
at 22.00, in Menza pri koritu
AKC Metelkova mesto
The team of feminist and queer festival, Red
Dawns, is now working at full speed. The 14th festival is just
around the corner, taking place between 6th and 9th of March, 2013. You
can express your support for the festival on Carnival Saturday Night,
when all contents, forms and species of sexed distortions, straightenings and
fluidities are going to pop up. The theme of the evening is 'gender freak
show', and all kinds of gendered binarisms and fluidities are going to be
more than appreciated.
The programme:
Have you always wanted to sing in front of a big audience? Have you always
been dreaming about the minute of fame? Would you like to show to the world
what you're capable of? If you answered the above questions with yes, we have
incredible news for you. All this and much more will be possible on the Carnival
Saturday night with our conductor, Meta.
There will be an opportunity for the minute of fame, and, rest assured, there
will be the audience for all your operatic screeching and gentle roaring. You
will have no other choice but to get your guts up and jump onto the stage.
DJ programme with GroßUndArtig
karaoke finishes, you will be gently swinged about by two grandiose, brilliant
and widely acclaimed DJs DjaneGroßUndArtig in the rhythms of
electropop-female-dancy-hip-to-hop-alles kind of music.
Before, in between, and after
dancing you will have no choice but to indulge yourself in delicious drinks,
hand-printed shirts, aprons, and other stuff for the decoration of your
costumes. There will also be a Lottery of Destiny, where you will be able to
gamble for the brand new future. The decoration of the supernaturally good
atmosphere will be taken care for by Alota Trash team.
Anyways – be it your wish to
spend your Carnival Saturday night in an unusual, exciting, super hot, swelling,
in other words, cracking, amazing, incredible way – this is just the place for
Dresscode: »Genderfreakshow«
Entrance fee: before midnight 3EUR with costumes/4 EUR without costumes, after midnight
4 EUR with costumes/5 EUR without costumes
Poster: Ana Čigon
Cooperation and support:
DJ in DJaneGroßUndArtig,