sreda, 28. marec 2012


What is rampenfiber?

rampenfiber is a queer feminist music festival which will take place from the 20th - 23rd of September 2012 for the 3rd time in Vienna/Austria. The core of the festival are the concerts with a strong emphasis on female* performers and musicians. The background of the festival is to offer a stage for female* artists, to strengthen and/or create networks as well as to bring up the difficulties and barriers linked with the music business for discussion. During the 2nd festival there was an emphasis on a queer-feminist occupation of space which lead to the discussion about the choice of the location. Anti-sexist and anti-racist securities as well as how to define and acquire such a feminist space were also part of our considerations.

What are we looking for?
For the upcoming 3rd festival we would like to relate to various ways of queer–feminist political activism, how to deal with it in daily life in addition to theoretical discussions.
We would like to connect with:

+ other queer-feminist collectives
+ networks
+ artists
+ activists
+ grrlzine/fanzine creators
+ party organizers
+ radio-journalists
+ bands

Our aim is to exchange the (different ?) experiences and realities and to stretch beyond national borders. The festival offers a platform, a space for connection and wants to show the many diverse ways of queer-feminist resistance, action and activism.

We are interested in:

+ discussion input for panels dealing with the local circumstances of building up a queer-feminist network as well as on a national basis, the manifold strategic answers to emerging political problems
+ bands and performers for a stage show
+ workshops (practical as well as theoretical)
+ and other means of participation and transposition

If you are interested please send a short description / project draft of your ideas to: (Sorry, only in German, but we are working on an english version)

ponedeljek, 19. marec 2012

Povežimo "transverZAlo svobode"

Rdeče zore podpiramo akcijo
Povežimo "transverZAlo svobode" - v podporo Družinskemu zakoniku
V petek 23.3. bomo po različnih slovenskih fizičnih in virtualnih prostorih povezali "transverZAlo svobode".  Prevčerajšnim so bili na vrsti pankrti,  včeraj trenirkarji, danes istospolno usmerjeni. Zato, da ne boš jutri na vrsti ti, v petek podpri Družinski zakonik na ZAbavi, v nedeljo pa glasuj ZA na referendumu.

10x ZA

ZA, ker nikogar ne ogroža in nikomur ničesar ne jemlje, daje pa pravice tistim, ki jih sedaj nimajo
ZA, ker vsakemu otroku zagotavlja enake pravice, ne glede na to, v kakšni obliki družine živi
ZA, ker človekove pravice pripadajo vsem ljudem
ZA, ker ureja socialni položaj istospolnih parov
ZA, ker izboljšuje položaj otrok v rejniških družinah
ZA, ker daje boljšo zaščito otrokom, ki trpijo ali so žrtve zlorab in nasilja
ZA, ker parom nudi strokovno svetovanje in družinsko mediacijo
ZA, ker parom omogoča več izbire pri načinu sklenitve zakonske zveze
ZA, ker verjamemo v svobodno odločanje o rojstvu otrok
ZA, ker smo za strpno, odprto in svobodno družbo


nedelja, 18. marec 2012

Koncert DES ARK (zda), SISSTERS (de), 26. marec 2012 ob 21.30, Menza pri koritu

Rdeče zore 
predstavljajo izvenfestivalski glasbeni dogodek dveh zasedb, ki se spogledujeta tako s feminizmom kot s kvirom. V Menzo pri koritu se vrača številčno okrepljena Des Ark, ki koncertira po Evropi skupaj z duom Sissters.

Ponedeljek, 26. marec 2012 ob 21.30, Menza pri koritu, Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana

Vabljene, vabljeni!


Če nas je Aimée Argote pred dobrim letom v zimskem času pogrela z baladnim solo petjem, brenkanjem na kitaro in humornimi anekdotami, se letošnjo pomlad vrača podkrepljena z ritem sekcijo, ki bo poskrbela za energičnost in udarnost koncerta. Obeta se nam torej Des Ark plovba, ki bo s pomočjo večglave posadke več kot uspešno kljubovala soničnim razburkanim valovom, ter nas obenem lepo in nežno zazibala tudi na mirnem baladnem morju ter poskrbela za metuljčke v trebuhu.!/concert/des-ark/20054797-3738389
Video posnetek s koncerta v Menzi (20.12.2010): 

Kot predskupina bo nastopil berlinski noise-punk duo Sissters, ki svoje glasbeno izražanje označuje kot ‘alkopop’. Njuna glasba je hreščeča, garažno hrupna, razglašena in brezkompromisno udarna.
Video ‘Cool Cat Alliance’:

Vstopnina: 5 € (z rezervacijo na naslov, 7 € na dan koncerta

Organizirajo Rdeče zore in Menza pri koritu.

Dogodek na Facebooku.
Dogodek na

Red Picnic (and festival 'evulvation') in Tivoli, 17.3.2012

Rdeče zore / Red Dawns team wants to thank everyone for supporting the 13th festival edition. We had a blast - and judging from the feedback we've received so far - you did too! Here are some photos from yesterday's evaluation - or, in our terms, 'evulvation' - in Tivoli park in Ljubljana. Unfortunately, not everybody from the team could join us ... 

 Photos by Tea

nedelja, 4. marec 2012

13th Red Dawns Festival Programme

Red Dawns
13th International Feminist and Queer Festival 
March 6th-11th 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Organiser: KUD Mreža, Masarykova 24, 1000 Ljubljana,

ACC Metelkova mesto (SOT-24,5 Club, A-Infoshop, Tiffany Club (ŠKUC-Cultural Center Q), Gromka Club, Alkatraz Gallery and Menza pri koritu), Masarykova 24 / Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Kapelica Gallery, Cafe Metropol, Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana
Kiberpipa, Kersnikova 6, Ljubljana
Cooperations: Red Min(e)d, Kiberpipa, ŠKUC-Buba, Alkatraz Gallery, Kapelica Gallery, LJUDMILA - Ljubljana Digital Media Lab (at KUD France Prešeren Trnovo), Workers’-Punks’ University (The Peace Institute), Gromka Club, YHD, Menza pri koritu, Tiffany Club (ŠKUC-Cultural Center Q), Serbian Cultural Center Danilo Kiš and Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis - Ljubljana Postgraduate School of Humanities

Downloadable version of the programme.


(Almost) Every Day

March 7th-10th, 17:00-21:00, SOT-24,5 Club
Festival Infopoint

March 7th-10th, 16:00-24:00, Alkatraz Gallery
Red Dawns and Bring In Take Out Living Archive present
Interactive contemporary art exhibition Bring In Take Out Living Archive

Tuesday, March 6th

10:00-13:00, Kiberpipa

Red Dawns and Kiberpipa present Eclectic Tech Carnival 2012
Two-day workshop
Selena Savić (SRB/CH): The Solar Workshop

Wednesday, March 7th

10:00-13:00, Kiberpipa
Red Dawns and Kiberpipa present Eclectic Tech Carnival 2012
Two-day workshop
Selena Savić (SRB/CH): The Solar Workshop

15:00-18:00, Kiberpipa
Red Dawns and Kiberpipa present Eclectic Tech Carnival 2012
Two-day workshop
Sabrina Basten (D) and Audrey Samson (NL) / Genderchangers: Koerperspule

16:00, Alkatraz Gallery
Red Dawns and Bring In Take Out Living Archive present
Interactive Contemporary Art Exhibition: Bring In Take Out Living Archive:
Vesna Bukovec (SLO), Vahida Ramujkić (SRB) in Aviv Kruglansky (E), Perpetuum Mobile Video Archive

16:30, Alkatraz Gallery
Red Dawns and Bring In Take Out Living Archive present
Project presentation and introduction to documentary embroidery technique
Vahida Ramujkić (SER) and Aviv Kruglansky (E): Documentary Embroidery

18:00, Tiffany Club (ŠKUC-Cultural Center Q)
Public discussion
Why do we need feminist publics and public spaces for women and the LGBTIQ community?

20:30, A-Infoshop
Documentary film screening
Amy Oden (USA): From the Back of the Room (2011, 105’)

21:00, Kapelica Gallery
Red Dawns and Bring In Take Out Living Archive present
Exhibition opening and walk through with the artist
Margareta Kern (UK): GUESTures

22:30, Menza pri koritu
Blockshot (D), Ludovik Material (SLO)
DJanes Roots Daughters (SLO/HR)

THURSDAY, MARCH 8TH - Celebrating International Women’s Day!

10:00–13:00, Kiberpipa
Red Dawns and Kiberpipa present Eclectic Tech Carnival 2012
Two-day workshop
Monika Pocrnjič (SLO): Hardware Fun

15:00-18:00, Kiberpipa
Red Dawns and Kiberpipa present Eclectic Tech Carnival 2012
Two-day workshop
Sabrina Basten (D) and Audrey Samson (NL) / Genderchangers: Koerperspule

16:00, Cafe Metropol
Red Dawns and Serbian Cultural Center Danilo Kiš present
Opening of audiovisual projection
Towards an Archeology of Yugoslav Feminism: Remains, Memories, Censorships

18:00, Gromka Club
Red Dawns, Workers'-Punks' University and Bring In Take Out Living Archive present
Public discussion and presentation of journals ProFemina and Uz)bu))na)))
Combative Women’s Celebration: Feminism as Politics of Equality for All

20:00, SOT-24,5 Club
Video exhibition opening
Adela Jušić (BiH), Micheline Durocher (CAN)

21:00, Tower in front of Menza pri koritu
Open-air photo projection
Bojana Rudovič Žvanut (SLO) and Maja Smrekar (SLO): Hypnagogia 01

21:30, Menza pri koritu
KUD Mreža-Red Dawns and ŠKUC-Buba present
tUnE-yArDs (USA), Kiuriki (SLO)
DJanes Ninja (SLO) & Fumarola (SLO)


10:00-13:00, Kiberpipa
Red Dawns and Kiberpipa present Eclectic Tech Carnival 2012
Two-day workshop
Monika Pocrnjič (SLO): Hardware Fun

14:00, Kapelica Gallery
Red Dawns and Bring In Take Out Living Archive present
Collective reading from the archive of migrant women workers
as part of the GUESTures exhibition by Margareta Kern (UK)

15:30-17:00, Kiberpipa
Red Dawns and Kiberpipa present Eclectic Tech Carnival 2012
Play, Presentations, Networking and Socializing

18:00, Kapelica Gallery
Red Dawns and Bring In Take Out Living Archive present
Public discussion
Creating the Feminist Archive Means Facing the Real to the Most Extent

20:00, Gromka Club
Shadow theatre performance
Serbian Cultural Centre Danilo Kiš (SLO): The Sad and Magnificent Story of Sotiria Belu

21:30, Menza pri koritu
An evening of cabaret, burlesque, stand-up comedy, music and dance
Red Cabaret

Performers: GO Maroo, Mme. Monoquelle, The Darling Teese, Beti Blu, The Flying Cum-Bags, Tone Balboa, Josephine Joseph  (all SLO) and surprise guests.

22:45, Menza pri koritu
Ana Čavić (SRB/UK): Seduction

23:00, Gromka Club Concert
Sookee (D), EsRap (AT)
DJane House Wife (SLO) & VJ Adela (BiH)


14:00-17:00, Kiberpipa
Red Dawns and Kiberpipa present Eclectic Tech Carnival 2012
Artist presentations
Nataša Muševič (SLO), Maja Kalođera (CRO), Deborah Hustič (CRO), Audrey Samson (NL)

14:00-17:00, Tiffany Club (ŠKUC-Cultural Center Q)Drag king workshop
Becca ‘Ben’ Carbery (UK): Get in Touch with your Masculine Side!

18:00, Kiberpipa 
Red Dawns and Kiberpipa present Eclectic Tech Carnival 2012
Public discussion
Towards Sustainable Women-safe Educational Medialabs

22:00, Gromka Club
Red Dawns and Gromka Club present
Joko Ono (SLO), Drek u pest (SLO)
DJane Tigresse (SLO)

Sunday, March 11th

18:00, Menza pri koritu 
Red Dawns and Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis present
Damir Imamović (BiH)

petek, 2. marec 2012

Program 13. festivala Rdeče zore 2012

Rdeče zore
13. mednarodni feministični in queerovski festival, 6.-11. marec 2012, Ljubljana

KUD Mreža, Masarykova 24, 1000 Ljubljana,

Kiberpipa, Cafe Metropol, Kersnikova 6
Galerija Kapelica, Kersnikova 4
AKC Metelkova mesto (Klub SOT-24,5, A-Infoshop, Klub Tiffany (ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q), Klub Gromka, Galerija Alkatraz, Menza pri koritu), Masarykova 24 / Metelkova 6

Red Min(e)d, Kiberpipa, ŠKUC-Buba, Galerija Alkatraz, Galerija Kapelica, LJUDMILA – Ljubljana Digital Media Lab (KUD France Prešeren), Delavsko-punkerska univerza (Mirovni inštitut), Klub Gromka, YHD, A-Infoshop, Menza pri koritu, ŠKUC-Kulturni center Q – Klub Tiffany, Srbski kulturni center Danilo Kiš in Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis – Fakulteta za podiplomski humanistični študij.


Podrobnosti o programu:
Pozor! Prijave na delavnice zbiramo do zapolnitve mest in ne do 5. marca 2012, kot piše v napovedih.

Vsak dan

7.–10. marec, 17:00–21:00, klub SOT-24,5
Festivalska infotočka

7.–10. marec, 16:00–24:00, Galerija Alkatraz
Interaktivna razstava sodobne umetnosti Bring In Take Out Living Archive

Torek, 6. marec

10:00–13:00, Kiberpipa
Rdeče zore v sodelovanju s Kiberpipo predstavljajo Eclectic Tech Carnival 2012
Dvodnevna delavnica
Selena Savić (SRB/CH): Solar

Sreda, 7. marec

10:00–13:00, Kiberpipa

Rdeče zore v sodelovanju s Kiberpipo predstavljajo Eclectic Tech Carnival 2012
Dvodnevna delavnica
Selena Savić (SRB/CH): Solar

15:00–18:00, Kiberpipa
Rdeče zore v sodelovanju s Kiberpipo predstavljajo Eclectic Tech Carnival 2012
Dvodnevna delavnica
Sabrina Basten (D) in Audrey Samson (NL) / genderchangers: Koerperspule (Telesna tuljava)


16:00, Galerija Alkatraz
Rdeče zore v sodelovanju z Bring In Take Out Living Archive predstavljajo
Interaktivna razstava sodobne umetnosti Bring In Take Out Living Archive: 
Vesna Bukovec (SLO), Vahida Ramujkić (SRB) in Aviv Kruglansky (E), zbirka Perpetuum Mobile

16:30, Galerija Alkatraz
Rdeče zore v sodelovanju z Bring In Take Out Living Archive predstavljajo
Predstavitev projekta in uvod v osnove tehnike dokumentarnega vezenja
Vahida Ramujkić (SRB) in Aviv Kruglansky (E): Dokumentarno vezenje v realnem času

18:00, Klub Tiffany (ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q)
Javni pogovor
Zakaj potrebujemo feministično javnost in javne prostore za ženske in LGBTIQ skupnost?

20:30, A-Infoshop
Projekcija dokumentarnega filma
Amy Oden (ZDA): From the Back of the Room (2011, 105')

21:00, Galerija Kapelica
Rdeče zore v sodelovanju z Bring In Take Out Living Archive predstavljajo
Odprtje razstave in umetničino vodstvo po razstavi
Margareta Kern (VB): GOSTikulacije

22:30, Menza pri koritu

Blockshot (D), Ludovik Material (SLO)

Četrtek, 8. marec – Praznujemo mednarodni dan žensk!

10:00–13:00, Kiberpipa
Rdeče zore v sodelovanju s Kiberpipo predstavljajo Eclectic Tech Carnival 2012
Monika Pocrnjić (SLO): Strojna oprema: cel žur!

15:00–18:00, Kiberpipa
Rdeče zore v sodelovanju s Kiberpipo predstavljajo Eclectic Tech Carnival 2012
Dvodnevna delavnica
Sabrina Basten (D) in Audrey Samson (NL) / genderchangers: Koerperspule (Telesna tuljava)

16:00, Cafe Metropol
Rdeče zore in Srbski kulturni center Danilo Kiš predstavljata
Otvoritev audiovizualne projekcije
K arheologiji jugoslovanskega feminizma: ostanki, spomini, cenzure

18:00, Klub Gromka
Rdeče zore v sodelovanju z Bring In Take Out Living Archive in Delavsko-punkersko univerzo predstavljajo pogovor in predstavitev revij ProFemina in Uz)bu))na))
Bojevit praznik žensk: feminizem kot politika enakosti za vse

20:00, Klub SOT-24,5
Odprtje video razstave
Adela Jušić (BiH), Micheline Durocher (KAN)
21:00, stolp pred Menzo pri koritu
Odprtje fotografske projekcije
Bojana Rudovič Žvanut (SLO) in Maja Smrekar (SLO): hipnagogija 01

21:30, Menza pri koritu
KUD Mreža-Rdeče zore in ŠKUC-Buba predstavljata
tUnE-yArDs (ZDA), Kiuriki (SLO)

Petek, 9. marec

10:00–13:00, Kiberpipa
Rdeče zore v sodelovanju s Kiberpipo predstavljajo Eclectic Tech Carnival 2012
Dvodnevna delavnica
Monika Pocrnjić (SLO): Strojna oprema: cel žur!

14:00, Galerija Kapelica
Rdeče zore in Bring In Take Out Living Archive predstavljata
Kolektivno branje iz arhiva migrantskih delavk 
v okviru razstave GOSTIkulacije Margarete Kern

15:30–17:00, Kiberpipa

Rdeče zore v sodelovanju s Kiberpipo predstavljajo Eclectic Tech Carnival 2012
Igra, predstavitve, mreženje in druženje

18:00, Galerija Kapelica
Rdeče zore v sodelovanju z Bring In Take Out Living Archive predstavljajo
Javni pogovor
Ustvarjati feministični arhiv pomeni skrajno soočenje z realnim

20:00, Klub Gromka
Predstava gledališča senc
Srbski kulturni center Danilo Kiš (SLO): Žalostna in veličastna zgodba o Sotirii Belu

21:30, Menza pri koritu

Večer kabareta, burleske, stand-upa, glasbe in plesa
Rdeči kabare
Nastopajo: GO Maroo, Mme. Monoquelle, The Darling Teese, Beti Blu, The Flying Cum-Bags, Tone Balboa, Josephine Joseph  (vsi SLO) ter gostje presenečenja.

22:45, Menza pri koritu
Ana Čavić (SRB/VB): Zapeljevanje

23:00, Klub Gromka
Sookee (DE), EsRap (AT)

Sobota, 10. marec

14:00–17:00, Kiberpipa
Rdeče zore v sodelovanju s Kiberpipo predstavljajo Eclectic Tech Carnival 2012
Predstavitve umetnic: Nataša Muševič (SLO), Maja Kalođera (HR), Deborah Hustič (HR) in Audrey Samson (NL)

14:00–17:00, Klub Tiffany (ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q)
Delavnica za kralje preobleke
Becca 'Ben' Carbery (VB): Spoznajte svojo možato plat!

18:00, Kiberpipa
Rdeče zore v sodelovanju s Kiberpipo predstavljajo Eclectic Tech Carnival 2012
Okrogla miza
Trajnostni izobraževalni medijski laboratoriji za ženske

22:00, Klub Gromka

Rdeče zore v sodelovanju s Klubom Gromka predstavljajo
Joko Ono (SLO), Drek u pest (SLO)

Nedelja, 11. marec

18:00, Menza pri koritu 
Rdeče zore in Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis predstavljata
Damir Imamović (BiH)

četrtek, 1. marec 2012

Silk-screened merchandise for 13th Red Dawns Fest

On February 28th, the Red Dawns team met with this years' festival visuals designer Ana Baraga and silk-screen mistress Urška at the MetaTisk silk-screening studio at ACC Metelkova. We printed the new posters and bags as well as second hand T-shirts, kitchen cloths, skirts, underwear etc., all of which we receive from you in response to our call for contributions.

All the merchandise - and a new series of badges - are going to be available for sale during the festival at the Infopoint in SOT-24,5 Club and during major festival events in other Metelkova venues.

Below, there are some photos from the printing session. More printing and merchandise photos can be seen on Ana Baraga's blog.