Below, there are some photos taken by Dušan Dobiaš at the panel on Participatory culture and technology in on- and offline networks that took place on Saturday, November 7th 2009 in Salzburg at the Civilmedia conference. The audio recording of the debate was published on the CBA (Cultural Broadcasting Archive) site and can be heard here.
Initially, Alek Ommert was supposed to join the conversation but could not make it. Instead, Sonja Prlic spoke about Frontiers, an online computer game about crossing borders. Rosa Reitsamer spoke about the Vienna-based feminist and anti-racist series of discussions Female Consequences and about the DVD and online publication Dig Me Out dedicated to female musicians and performance artists. I spoke about Rdeče zore festival and a little bit about my own blogging. The debate was moderated by Elke Zobl.
Rosa Reitsamer, Tea Hvala, Sonja Prlic, Elke Zobl
petek, 20. november 2009
Mini Report from Civilmedia Conference
sobota, 14. november 2009
2. Girl Power Fest v Koprivnici in razstava Gender Check na Dunaju
Otvoritev 2. Girl Power Festa je bila sinoči, festival pa traja do 22. novembra. Poteka v MMC Kugla oz. Domu mladih... Vabljene, vabljeni!
Prav tako sinoči se je na Dunaju v Muzeju moderne umetnosti MUMOK odprla pregledna razstava Gender Check. Na razstavi gostijo dela umetnic in umetnikov iz nekdanjih socialističnih dežel, nastala med leti 1960 in 1989, na spisku pa se poleg svetovno znanih imen a la Vlasta Delimar in Tanja Ostojić najdejo še mnoga druga... Od Albanije do Ukrajine: o tem, kako smo in so na spole, ženstvenost in možastost gledali v "drugem svetu".
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