petek, 27. marec 2009

Protest zaradi brutalnih umorov transeksualcev v Turčiji

V Turciji sta se v zadnjih stirinajstih dneh zgodila dva umora transeksualnih oseb. 24. marca 2009 je bilo v mestu Bursa na severozahodu Turcije najdeno se neidentificirano truplo transeksualne osebe, stare med 30 in 35 let. Zrtev je bila umorjena z nozem. Obglavljeno truplo je bilo grozljivo izmaliceno in odvrzeno v kontejner za smeti. 10. marca 2009 je bil na svojem domu v Istambulu umorjen transeksualnec Ebru Soykan, star 28 let. Umorjeni je bil aktivist organizacije za pravice gejev, lezbijk in transeskualcev 'Lambda Istambul'.

Zaradi narascanja nasilja nad transeksualci in pogostih umorov iz sovrastva, katerih zrtve so geji, lezbijke in transeksualci v Turciji, smo na Veleposlanistvo republike Turcije v Ljubljani naslovili protestno pismo. V pismu Nje. eksc. gospe Ayse Sezgin, veleposlanici, smo izrazili ogorcenje zaradi umorov in opozorili na odgovornost oblasti pri brezpogojnem in takojsnjem zagotavljanju zascite clovekovih pravic in pravice do varnosti gejev, lezbijk in transeksualnih manjsin v Turciji.

Nestrpnosti in nasilja nad transeksualci ni mogoce z nicemer opravicevati, neukrepanje in ignoranca pa kazeta na tiho odobravanje. V zvezi z nespostovanjem clovekovih pravic transeksualcev, lezbijk in gejev v Turciji so v zadnjem casu veckrat posredovale clovekoljubne nevladne organizacije, organi Evropske unije, kakor tudi tudi Svet Evrope.

Za SKUC-LL: Tatjana Greif

Sekcija SKUC-LL
Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana
T 4327 306 & 4327 368
M 040 950 973

petek, 20. marec 2009

XXX Until Dawn! - Missing links.

Povzetek ni na voljo. Kliknite tukaj, da si ogledate objavo.

sreda, 18. marec 2009

Eclipse: ‘10. Of blasphemy we are guilty’ v Galeriji Kapelica

V četrtek, 19. marca, ob 21. uri, bo v Galeriji Kapelica otvoritev projekta ‘10. Of Blasphemy We Are Guilty’, s katerim Tandem Eclipse beleži 10 let svojega delovanja.

Avtorici zapišeta: “V tem času je na žimnico soft porno kiča ze devetkrat položil bonbon s krvavo sredico. Tudi v deseto bo tako. Razstavo nosi 10 osebnosti, ki nas želijo s svojo neposredno izpovednostjo potopiti v empatijo. Pogled nam tako vračajo podobe tistih, s katerimi se nocemo identificirati, pa naj bodo njihove digresije se tako neznatne. Ženska brez materinskega čuta je lahko enako nerazumljena kot samomorilska napadalka. Kaj bi torej taka oseba morala povedati o sebi, da bi jo sprejeli? Bi se nam morala opravičiti? Morda zasmiliti? Jo rešuje lepota ali to, da je njena anomalija nemara biolosko predestinirana in je torej bolna? Mogoče. A njen nagovor bo uspešen le, ce jo bo gledalec prepoznal vsaj kot svoj bledi odsev. Pa vendar, take kot so, bivajo tudi brez pristanka. Ali kot pravijo same zase: So tiste, ki so. Vse drugo je pogojno in zato šteje manj.”

torek, 17. marec 2009

re.act.feminism - predavanja, seminar in performansi

Mesto žensk vabi!


Ljubljana, 13. marca, 2009 – Po otvoritvi projekta re.act.feminism/performativna umetnost 60ih in 70ih let danes v Galeriji Vžigalica, ki do 29. marca gosti obsežen video arhiv performansov pionirk in sodobnih avtoric te oblike umetniškega izraza, se bo do konca marca zgodila še vrsta dogodkov. Obiščejo nas priznane umetnostne zgodovinarke, kuratorice in teoretičarke, Bettina Knaup (ena izmed kustosinj gostujočega dela mednarodnega projekta), Angelika Richter, Dubravka Đurić, Barbara Borčič, Dubravka Duba Sambolec, Bojana Kunst, predstavijo pa se tudi umetnice Nada Prlja, Irena Tomažin in Lana Zdravković/KITCH. Dogajanja bodo potekala med 19. in 27. marcem v ljubljanski Galeriji Vžigalica – Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljana.

Del mednarodnega projekta dveh priznanih kustosinj Bettine Knaup in Beatrice E. Stammer – obsežen arhiv video posnetkov performansov iz 60ih in 70ih let – bodo spremljali različni dogodki na temo performativne umetnosti, njenih začetkov, razvoja in odraza te oblike umetniškega odražanja v sodobni umetniški produkciji.

19. marca bo v Galeriji Vžigalica med 10 in 18h na ogled postavljen video performans Lane Zdravković/KITCH (Slovenija) z naslovom Kako ona uživa: Golo branje Lacana. Video performans je refleksija o ženskem (seksualnem) užitku kot ga dojema lacanovska psihoanaliza (avtorica v videu bere iz besedila Jacquesa Lacana: Še). Deklarativno demokratična družba zlahka zdrsne v globine šovinizma, rasizma in nacionalizma. Zato je nenehen boj za enakost med spoli ne le feministični krik, pač pa in predvsem brezkompromisna zahteva za enakost ne glede na spol, nacionalno ali etnično pripadnost, raso ali kulturo, zaradi česar lahko delo razumemo predvsem kot poziv k radikalni enakosti.

20. marca se bo v Galeriji Vžigalica z začetkom ob 17h odvil seminar na temo performativne umetnosti 60ih in 70ih let danes, ki se ga bodo udeležile:

Bettina Knaup (Nemčija), ena izmed kustosinj mednarodnega projekta re.act.feminism/performativna umetnost 60ih in 70ih let danes, ki bo spregovorila o samem projektu, vzgibih za njegovo pripravo ter o nastanku in razvoju performativne umetnosti, ki je nastajala sočasno s teorijo feminizma.

Angelika Richter (Nemčija), umetnostna zgodovinarka in kuratorica nam bo predstavila specifično politično in kulturno situacijo vzhodne Nemčije, ki jo je potrebno upoštevati, ko govorimo o vizualni umetnosti, še posebej o stvaritvah ženskih umetnic tistega časa. Zasledovala bo predvsem vprašanje, zakaj ni bilo feministične tradicije v umetnosti niti performativne umetnosti v Vzhodni Nemčiji v 60ih in 70ih letih.

Dubravka Đurić (Srbija), pisateljica, predavateljica na Fakulteti za medije in komunikacije v Beogradu ter Beograjskem centru za ženske študije in soustanoviteljica revije ProFemina, bo predstavila prispevek o (nez)možnosti sklicevanja na univerzalnost vzhodno evropske umetnosti v relaciji do zahodne umetnosti ter odnosu med umetnostjo žensk in umetnostjo moških. Svoje predavanje bo orisala s primeri del treh umetnic (Marina Abramović, Vlasta Delimar in Katalin Ladik).

Barbara Borčič, direktorica Zavoda SCCA – Ljubljana bo govorila o oblikah dokumentacije in arhiviranja videa ter njegove dostopnosti. Osredotočila se bo na rabo video tehnologije v jugoslovanskem kontekstu 70ih let, ko sta bila v rabi dva termina za ilustracijo razlike med video umetnostjo in z videom zabeleženo umetnostjo oziroma kompleksnosti odnosa med njima.

25. marca bo z začetkom ob 17h umetnica in univerzitetna predavateljica Dubravka Duba Sambolec (Slovenija, Norveška) spregovorila o svojem umetniškem opusu, ki predstavlja artikulacijo epistemoloških in ontoloških interpretacij našega obstoja. Osredotočila se bo predvsem na svoje video performanse, ki so nastajali od leta 1999 naprej in govorijo o kontroli, dominaciji, podreditvi in strategijah preživetija, naslavljajo kulturno represijo v vsakdanjem življenju in v času krize, vprašanja ženske identitete in izginotja centra v kontekstu globalizacije, namenjeni pa so instalaciji na javnih mestih zato, da o perečih družbenih zadevah komunicirajo z mimoidočimi. Predstavila bo tudi svoja ostala dela, sestavljena iz multimedijskih instalacij (»Collectors«), skulptur, risb, video performansov, site-specific skulptur in digitalnih foto kolažev.

26. marca ob 17h začne s predavanjem Bojana Kunst (Slovenija), raziskovalka na ljubljanski Filozofski fakulteti in predavateljica na podiplomskem študiju Filozofija in teorija vizualne kulture, Fakultete za humanistične študije Koper ter avtorica treh knjig in mnogih člankov s področja sodobnih scenskih umetnosti in teorije umetnosti. V okviru projekta bo na različnih primerih umetniških del predstavila, kako se spreminja reprezentacija naravnega telesa v performansu. Če feministični performans v 60ih letih postavi naravo telesa v središče kritičnega raziskovanja reprezentacije in vloge ženskega telesa v umetnosti, se danes vprašanje narave znova vrača, vendar pa je ob tem tudi temeljno rekonceptualizirano. S primeri različnih umetniških praks se bo dotaknila različnih teorij naravnega telesa in skušala umestiti nova vprašanja Njene narave v sodobne politične in ekonomske kontekste.

Predavanju bo sledila predstavitev zvočnega performansa Irene Tomažin aka iT (Slovenija) z naslovom 'glasovanja', ki bo skozi glasovne kolaže eksperimentalne širine in improvizatorske svobode poskrbela za zelo močno in osebno zvočno izkušnjo.

27. marca v Galeriji Vžigalica se bo med 10 in 18h uro z živim nastopom in video performansom predstavila umetnica Nada Prlja (Makedonija, VB), pri čemer gre za adaptaciji dveh performansov svetovno priznane umetnice Marine Abramović. Performans z naslovom Svetovni Barok je reakcija na Abramovićin Balkan Barok, medtem ko se z video performansom €(Euro) avtorica odziva na danes že zgodovinski performans z naslovom Thomas Lips iz leta 1975, v katerem se je Abramovićeva spraševala o pomenu političnih prepričanj.

Celotni zgoraj omenjeni program sodi v okvir projekta re.act.feminism/performativna umetnost 60ih in 70ih let danes, katerega osrednji del je obsežen video arhiv osemdesetih video posnetkov del svetovno priznanih umetnic performansa, ki je do 29. marca na voljo obiskovalcem za izposojo in ogled v Galeriji Vžigalica na Trgu francoske revolucije 7 v Ljubljani. Projekt je predfestivalski dogodek 15. mednarodnega festivala Mesto žensk.

Projekt je organiziralo Društvo za promocijo žensk v kulturi – Mesto žensk, v koprodukciji z re.act.feminism/performativna umetnost 60ih in 70ih let danes, Akademie der Künste, Berlin in ob podpori ERSTE fundacije, Oddelka za kulturo Mestne občine Ljubljana in fundacije Hauptstadt Kulturfond, A space for live art, ter v sodelovanju s Potemkinovimi vasmi.

četrtek, 12. marec 2009

Red Dawns by Luca Donnini

sobota, 7. marec 2009

zOSCH ! -- PunK wiThOut GuiTaRs -- in slovenia...

11.3 ### ----> Kranj @ Izbruhov Kulturni Bazen

12.3 ### -----> Ljubljana @ Tovarna Rog

read more and listen

Trafficking women and forced prostitution: some conclusions and thoughts after a book presentation

Mary Kreutzer and Corinna Milborn published in March 2008 their book "Merchandise Women. On the traces of Modern Slavery from Africa to Europe" ("Ware Frau. Auf den Spuren moderner Sklaverei von Afrika nach Europa.").
On Friday, the 6th of March they presented it at the Red Dawns-festival; telling about how they came to the idea to make such a book, about the talks they had with different people, about the problem of trafficking for prostitution in general and about how this problem is linked with racist European politics and more specifically how it is linked with Austrian politics.
The idea for the book came to the authors because they got into touch with Joana Adesuwa Reiterer, a Nigerian actress who is living in Vienna. Her personal story is linked with the issue of trafficking because when she followed her husband to Austria she had to recognize that he was a trafficker. Instead of joining him she talked to the public, finishing the silence around the topic of trafficking and forced prostitution, and founded a NGO which offers advice and help to concerned women. (links below)
The book "Ware Frau." presents the special topic of trafficking which leads towards forced prostitution and the trafficking of Nigerian women to Austria. It doesn't seem that special anymore considering that forced prostitution brings a lot of money and is one of the main versions of trafficking and: most of the Nigerian women in Austria seem to be concerned by trafficking.

the setting which makes trafficking possible and profitable
One important thing talking about trafficking is that we are talking about a way making migration possible. we are talking about an illegal way to enter a country.Because migration is often seen as only an economic issue and migrants are devided in "good" ones and "bad" ones. There are the ones who can somehow get a visa or even a passport because their skills, their "human capital" promises to increase the financial standard of a country. Bad ones are the other migrants: those, who just have reasons to leave their countries or those who even haven't reasons beside that they want to live in another country. The selection between good and bad works with the terms "legal" and "illegal". But it isn't exactely as simple as that. Illegalised migrants may be said to ruin countries, may be put, in the public discourse, into the role of "bad" migrants. But not every illegalised migrant should really go. Economy lives through and with the aspect of illegalised working persons. For example migrant domestic workers make it possible for western European women to participate in the market of paid work.
The possiibilities of legal migration from Africa to Europe, more concrete: from Nigeria to Austria, are low.

you can not stop migration
But: migration is a fact. It happens. And if it can not happen legal, it happens illegal.
Trafficking is a result of refusing the right for the freedom of global movement.

women as concerned persons, women as victimizers:
some thoughts about a feminist point of view

During the presentation of the book it became more and more clear, how complex and complicated the issue of trafficking is and also the different roles overtaken by different persons and including different amounts of power.
Trafficking which leads to forced prostitution is a well organized system:
First you have got the ones who are called traffickers, the ones who anyhow managed to make it to another country and , if to manage somehow to survive or if to make profit out of it, started to fetch persons from their fromer home country and then forcing them into illegal jobs where they have no rights, no possibilty to reclaim them.
Then there are those persons, who are organizing the prostitution in the countries where people arrive. The persons who are also making profit out of the whole trafficking thing. And: In that case, for Nigerian women came with traffickers to Austria, it's mostly women who are doing the job of the pimp; they are called "madams".
Then you have the prostituted women themselfs and the clients.
This system is running with money.
Because leaving Nigeria isn't easy anyhow trafficking persons, bringing them out of Nigeria and to an European country, is a well-paid "job". And there are no ones who have the power to really help you, if you have just arrived and have to recover that the demands of the traffickers are nearly impossible to achieve. So when the trafficker brought the women to, in our case, Austria, he (mostly it's men) tells her that she would have to pay for her journey- and that is an amount round about 40 000 euro. What means that the women, are more and more forced into prostitution, because that's the job the trafficker offers them and so, because they don't have any papers or even a working permission, it's the only possibility to earn money and to break free from the trafficker circle. women and their families are threaten with psychological and physical violence.
But it's not "only" the amount of money they have to pay for the journey the women has to pay to the trafficker and the madam, they also have to pay for things like a bed, something to eat and "working stuff" like condoms.
It nearly seems impossible to pay back such a huge amount of money. But it isn't totally impossible.
One way to make more money than with prostitution is to get involved into the business of trafficking yourself, to start as a trafficked and forced into prostitution woman, exploiting women by yourself. One common way to do this is becoming a madam.

So that's a real difficult fact, also if you try to have a look on it out of a feminist point of view.
Telling the cruel story about trafficking connected with forced prostitution women are mainly put into the position of victims: they are the victims of the traffickers, of the pimp and of the clients. There seems to be no perspective to find a way out of the circle of dependencies, force and violence. Only to earn enough money.
In one way, you could regard the madams as a prove that the victim-position of women aren't that straight as they may be prentended to be. Madams could be seen as women who are changing their situation, managing to get out of forced prostitution and into a position with much more power.
But, if you have a close look at the different aspects of trafficking and changing power positions within the trafficking-system, it's totally clear that becoming a madam can't be really seen as a feminist self-empowerment. Still, as a madam you're not autonomous and free in what you're doing, you're still depending on traffickers, on men. And with the strategy to climb higher in the hierachy of trafficking it's not possible to quit it all, you're still moving within the same circle. And that's clearly a male-dominated, women exploiting circle. Sexism is a main part of its structure.
But further on it's important to don't look as the women who are becoming madams as bad victimizers who don?t give a shit for women solidarity. It's no use in moralising, it's necessary to have a look at the circumstances.

So, what could be ways out of forced prostitution?
Changing the circumstances is necessary. To make trafficking, trafficking for forced prostitution really impossible, it's absolutely necessary to change laws or more: change the view on migration. It's necessary to establish a global right of movement.
But unfortunatley it seems obviously that we aren't close to reach that aim until now.
So we can see the thing Joana is doing by supporting trafficked women, bringing the topic into the public, as a self-empowerment, an anti-racist way to fight against the problems of trafficked women.
And, one step for sure, out of the silence which makes forced prostitution and trafficking so non-existing, is to know first of all about it.

here is a link for a short film telling about the book "Ware Frau.", it's mostly in German, but includes also some English spoken interview phrases:


Pink Disco in K4! Ladies Night on March 8th

Sunday night in K4!
March 8th 2009 at 22.00
Kersnikova ulica / street 4, Ljubljana


Whether you're straight or lesbian (or in between), femme or butch, with a lipstick in your purse or keys on your key chain... March 8th is your day! Celebrate it with your friends at K4's very own women's party!

Music: four DJanes playing styles ranging from house to trance, pop to r'n'b: Huda, Guilty Eve, Jadry, Nibeye
visual: Quadesh
special exhibit: project 'SHE' made by young designers Urška Petrič and Agnieszka Rovšnik

Women: 2 €
Men: 5 €

Pre-festival event of the 15th International Festival of Contemporary Arts City of Women (October 9 – 18, 2009)

Re.act.feminism / performance art of the 1960s and 70s today

Openning: 10th of March 2009 at 8.00 p.m., Vžigalica Gallery- The Museum and Galleries of the City of Ljubljana

10. – 29. 03. 2009, Open from Tuesday untill Sunday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

The re.act.feminism video archive explores the larger context of early feminism and performance art of the 60’s and 70’s and its current ‘return’ in the form of appropriations, reenactments and archival or documentary projects. It features a unique collection of 80 videos, performance documents, video performances, and interviews from numerous renowned and emerging artists and artist groups of different generations.

read more


Red Dawns, in its 10th anniversary, gave a kicking start.
Participants used their "high" from the festival to push away the clouds and bring the sunshine on metelkova by making a sundance.
vitamin D from the sun and tofu latte mix ended up with a breath taking party where beautiful people joined forces - and hands - in the utopian dance on the slippery edge of a most certainly real world of binaries...

petek, 6. marec 2009

The fastest camera!

Follow the festival hour by hour through the lence of RG Gözum and Jasmina Klančar! They're everywhere.

četrtek, 5. marec 2009

Instead of presentation - plotki femzine

Sometimes unexpected things happen in it happened to me. I planned to come to the inspiring and great festival Rdece Zora, to it 10th anniversary, were I got, one year ago the idea for my thesis. This year I thought not to come just for plessure and a "helping hand" with the blog, but I wanted to distribute something to a great event, by presenting the plotki femzine and finding new "inspiration". But, normally everthing happens different than we think it will happen.
...I got a flu and the others from plotki femzine, supposed to come got a job, personal trouble and so on. At the end, the announced presentation, tommorow at half past five, cannot take place instead of this I just want to give a short idea of the femzine.
Plotki femzine started with some women from the plotki network. Plotki itself is a zine with rumours from around the bloc, the sphere of central, east, southeastern...europe. It was supposed to tell diverse stories, to present some images, pictures, snapshots, instead of presenting an entire picture. (to read more about plotki: ). In the whole picture of plotki the feminist point of view was missing. The activists from the femzine wanted to spread different rumours and wanted to disintegrate myths, maybe create new alternative myths - the femzine was born(taken from a text of the last issue by Anna Voswinckel).
The femzine tries to present different feminisms from different spheres. It contents contributions from different places and different point of views and what holds them altogether is the common reflection about feminist thoughts. The issue includes contributions from Poland, Croatia, Serbia, Germany, France ... , pictures, graphics, texts, letters,... a format in between zine and magazine.
During the project of the zine another project appeared - the pilotki fashion, made by pilotki for pilotki. The "feminist flexworker´s uniforms play with gender and cultural boundaries." (taken from a text of the last issue by Nicole Doerr). It is fashion, inspired by the Russian avantgarde artists Varvara Stepanova and Ljubov Popova, trying to play not just with gender, but also with materials, using "migrant bags" that are mostly negative conotated, used clothes - breaking fashion boarders.
The collective of the femzine is very fluent, people that worked on the first issue, are not involved anymore, new people (like me) joined the group and all of them, still interested are spread over the whole sphere of the "bloc". We are thinking about an new printed issue, but until then we started a blog ( collect ideas and to make a forum to exchange ideas and news. We are thinking about a topic for the new issue and we are looking for people that would like to engage to make a zine, that is overcoming boarders, to contribute art, ideas articles or whatever can be imagined in a zine, that tries to make contribution on an widespread look on the feminist pictures in the "bloc".
Tomorrow, at the time were the presentation should have taken place, you can get some plotki femzines and if you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact me (, to join the femzine email group (at the plotki page)or the blog!
enjoy the festival. antje

torek, 3. marec 2009