sobota, 31. januar 2009

Dobrodelni žur za Rdeče Zore 10 v Menzi pri koritu

Dobrodelni žur za Rdeče zore 10 z DJane Black & White.
Menza Pri Koritu petek 6. februarja.
Pripravili bomo projekcije, napovedale program festivala ter zmešali seksi koktajle.
Vstopnina = 1 kotajl = 3€

sreda, 21. januar 2009

Kitty Queer Benefit - Jan 31st 2009

On Saturday, January 31st 2009

Alternative Disco Kitty Queer in ACU, Utrecht is hosting

Red Dawns Festival in a gesture of solidarity and support.


Main floor: Resident DJ's

The bar-room: Distro stand with information about Red Dawns Festival (posters, flyers, photos) and silk-screened linen bags, sold in order to support the 10th Red Danws fest.

Price: sliding scale, 3-8 EUR.

Doors open: 23:00 - 04:00, Entree: € 3.50
ACU | Voorstraat 71 | Utrecht|

Red Dawns fest wants to thank the ACU collective, and especially Liedeke, for making this collaboration possible. We are also grateful for ACU's volunteers decision to donate their February tips for Red Danws Fest.

1st info about the 2009 program

10th International Feminist and Queer Festival

March 5th – 8th 2009, ACC Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Red Dawns will rise for the 10th time! Over the years, the festival has transformed and grown under the influence of all the people that participated, debated, reacted and witnessed our ravagings. What used to be a women's fest turned into an eclectic feminist-queer celebration that cares less about adjectives and more about adverbs, asking: How? When? Why?

And what is a feminist-queer festival? Is it sex or gender? Is it politics or party? Is it history or future? Is it contra or pro? Is it angry or horny? Is it just like you, or something completely different? All of the above? We want freedom, justice and love for all, but we know that the way there is mined with contradictions and struggle, just as it always was. Red Dawns fest is going to take time to explore our utopian feminist-queer possibilities and deal with reality... You are invited so that we can, most importantly, do it together!

Festival program includes:

a celebration honouring the 100th anniversary of the First International Woman’s Day
with an exhibition featuring historical documents and new, March 8th related posters made by art students, a discussion on the politics of memory and international women’s activism today, and a public intervention

visual arts and performances
: Sladjana Mitrovic's aquarelles series We; Sara Filipovic's performance BODY X; Marija Mojca Pungercar's installation AM1976-70 (The Mortality Table); Noa Reshef's theater performance Striptease No. 6-9; Ana Grobler's and Sladjana Mitrovic's web journal Beauty and Health With a Smile; MP5's erotic comics

short film screenings
: What counts as feminist and queer porn? What is postporn, what is “pron”? What kind of erotic art videos are being made? What are the differences between independent feminist porn production and the porn industry? How is the latter connected to trafficking of women? Discussions and screenings of three international film selections!

book presentation
of Mary Kreutzer's and Corinna Milborn's Merchandise Woman. On the Trace of Modern Slavery from Africa to Europe

science fiction workshop in collective writing

concerts and DJ & VJ parties
, including Gustav (Austria), Z'buka (Croatia), Agatha (Italy), Sweet Quartet (Slovenia), and others. Red Dawn's queer party is going to host photographer Luca Donnini (Italy) who is going to create portraits of visitors in their favorite queer dream settings;

and a lot more coming up!

For program updates and information for international visitors (location, accommodation, etc.) check this blog. The final program is going to be announced in the end of February at:; for specific inquiries, please write to: – same if you are interested in volunteering at the festival. People of all genders welcome!

četrtek, 15. januar 2009

Razpis za oblikovanje plakatov: 100. dan žena

Festival Rdeče zore ob 100. obletnici 8. marca, mednarodnega Dneva žena, razpisuje:

Razpis za oblikovanje plakatov: 100. dan žena


Tudi letos bomo v okviru Festivala Rdeče zore v začetku marca 2008 počastili Dan žena, ki bo v letu 2009 že stoti po vrsti, čemur bo posvečen sklepni dogodek festivala. Ker želimo visoko obletnico obeležiti večplastno, z razmislekom in aktivno interpretacijo pomena 8. marca, smo vanj vključili natečaj oziroma razpis za oblikovanje plakatov na to temo.


Izbrani plakati bodo sestavni del razstave ob »100. obletnici prve obeležitve dneva žena«; ki bo poleg tega zajemala tudi zgodovinska besedila in govore aktivistk. Namen razstave je poskus vsebinske refleksije ženskega boja za pravice, ki ga simbolno zastopa ravno 8. marec. Naš namen je pokazati, kako preteklost vidi sedanjanjost in kaj ji slednja dolguje. Kaj je bil politično-aktivistični boj nekoč in kaj ta pomeni danes. Pokazati na njegovo trdoživo preteklosti ter opomniti na nujnost nadaljevanja političnega aktivizma v teoriji in praksi na področju t.i. ženskih vprašanj, ki jih sodobnost brutalno prinaša na dan. Pod krinko liberalizma se ženskam danes ponovno kratijo pravice za delo in vsakdanje življenje, kar pomeni ignoriranje vseh izborjenih pravic feminizma in drugih oblik ženskega aktivizma.


Osmi marec je v zgodovini znan kot prvi državni dan žensk, postavljen z deklaracijo Socialistične stranke Amerike leta 1909. Leto dni za tem, 1910, je bil na prvi mednarodni ženski konferenci v Kopenhagnu (v okviru Druge internacionale) na pobudo Clare Zetkin ta praznik kot simbol ženskega boja za volilno pravico postal mednaroden. Od leta 1911 so ga postopoma začeli aktivistično proslavljati po vsem svetu, obenem pa je skozi čas pridobival nov pomen in svojo, cenzurirano zgodovino.


Vse to je lahko tema za vaš plakat. Plakati naj ozaveščajo javnost in izražajo kritičen odnos do zgoraj zastavljenih vprašanj. Vsak avtor / avtorica predloži neomejeno število del v poljubni tehniki (na primer kolaž, grafika) dimenzije A2 (dvojna velikost risalnega lista). Pri ocenjevanju plakatov se bo upoštevala izvirnost, izpovednost in estetska vrednost plakata.


Žirija, sestavljena iz zunanjih strokovnih sodelavcev in dela ekipe Rdečih zor, bo plakate izbrala in jih poleg izbranih arhivskih plakatov razstavila na zaključni razstavi Rdečih zor, ki bo potekala 8.marca 2009 v Menzi pri koritu.

Plakate pošljite najkasnje do petka, 20. februarja 2009 na naslov:

KUD Mreža (za Rdeče zore) / Metelkova 6 / 1000 Ljubljana

ali dostavite v Metelkova mesto, KUD Mreža (stavba Pešaki)

Razpis začne veljati: 15. januarja 2009

Več informacij na:

KUD Mreža(za Rdeče zore) / Metelkova 6 / 1000 Ljubljana

Masarykova 24 / 1000 Ljubljana / Slovenija / T: 01 434 0345 / F: 01 432 3378

E: natasa.s(at) / rdece.zore(at)