petek, 20. november 2009

Mini Report from Civilmedia Conference

Below, there are some photos taken by Dušan Dobiaš at the panel on Participatory culture and technology in on- and offline networks that took place on Saturday, November 7th 2009 in Salzburg at the Civilmedia conference. The audio recording of the debate was published on the CBA (Cultural Broadcasting Archive) site and can be heard here.

Initially, Alek Ommert was supposed to join the conversation but could not make it. Instead, Sonja Prlic spoke about Frontiers, an online computer game about crossing borders. Rosa Reitsamer spoke about the Vienna-based feminist and anti-racist series of discussions Female Consequences and about the DVD and online publication Dig Me Out dedicated to female musicians and performance artists. I spoke about Rdeče zore festival and a little bit about my own blogging. The debate was moderated by Elke Zobl.

Rosa Reitsamer, Tea Hvala, Sonja Prlic, Elke Zobl

sobota, 14. november 2009

2. Girl Power Fest v Koprivnici in razstava Gender Check na Dunaju

Otvoritev 2. Girl Power Festa je bila sinoči, festival pa traja do 22. novembra. Poteka v MMC Kugla oz. Domu mladih... Vabljene, vabljeni!


Prav tako sinoči se je na Dunaju v Muzeju moderne umetnosti MUMOK odprla pregledna razstava Gender Check. Na razstavi gostijo dela umetnic in umetnikov iz nekdanjih socialističnih dežel, nastala med leti 1960 in 1989, na spisku pa se poleg svetovno znanih imen a la Vlasta Delimar in Tanja Ostojić najdejo še mnoga druga... Od Albanije do Ukrajine: o tem, kako smo in so na spole, ženstvenost in možastost gledali v "drugem svetu".


sreda, 21. oktober 2009

Red Dawns at Civilmedia09 in Salzburg
Address: JUFA Salzburg, Josef-Preis-Allee 18, 5020 Salzburg, +43(0)662/84 26 70

The panel on Participatory culture and technology in on- and offline networks is going to be introduced by short presentations of works and project – among them, Rdeče zore / Red Dawns festival – and followed by a discussion.

The short presentation of Rdeče zore is going to focus on the ways in which the festival enables active participation and builds (on- and offline) networks. Some of the difficult questions we’ll ask: How do these networks intersect with activism? How do we perceive the interaction between online and offline networks? What are the festivals potentials, challenges and barriers of participatory culture and technology?


Participatory culture and technology in on- and offline networks

Participatory culture describes a culture where people act as active contributors and producers of media and cultural productions. The term has often been described in relation to Web 2.0, social networking and new media technology. Henry Jenkins describes a participatory culture as one:

1) With relatively low barriers to artistic expression and civic engagement
2) With strong support for creating and sharing one’s creations with others
3) With some type of informal mentorship whereby what is known by the most experienced is passed along to novices
4) Where members believe that their contributions matter
5) Where members feel some degree of social connection with one another (at the least they care what other people think about what they have created).

In: Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century, 2006

Online communities and networks produce content and have come to interact also in offline spaces. In this panel we discuss examples of participatory culture and the use Web 2.0 in building networks, on- and offline interaction, Internet activism, and the potentials, challenges and barriers of participatory culture and technology.

For more information on participatory culture see

Alek Ommert (Germany) - Social networking of queer-feminist activism
Sonja Prlic (Austria) – Frontiers,, 3d online Computer game to the topic of crossing borders
Tea Hvala (Slovenia) - Red Dawns festival, blogger and feminist graffiti:,
Michi Gründler (Austria) – International network of street papers:
Elliat Graney-Saucke (Germany/USA) – Travel Queeries;
Co-organized by Rosa Reitsamer, Red Chidgey and Elke Zobl within the research projects "Feminist Media Production in Europe" and "Young women as producers of cultural spaces" (

Type: Short Presentations & Panel Discussion
Language: English
Suggested overall duration: 90 mins

sreda, 23. september 2009

Protest letter

Rdeče zore festival sent the following letter to Boris Tadić (President of Republic of Serbia), Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković, Ivica Dačić (First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior), Svetozar Čiplić (Minister of Human and Minority Rights) and Predrag Filipov (Ambassador of Republic of Serbia in Slovenia) in protest to the failure of Serbian state and police to defend the basic human rights of Serbian LGBT citizens – the right to publicly gather, speak and kiss in their own hometown without fear.

You are very much invited to do the same!



On September 19th 2009, the organizers of Belgrade Pride held their final press conference before the Pride Parade which was planned for September 20th – but could not take place due to high security risks and lack of cooperation on the part of Serbian state and police to secure the event.

Serbian police canceled the permission for Pride Parade which was going to be held in the city center after months of planning by the organizing team and repeated assurance by the government at all levels, including the
Minister of Human and Minority Rights, the Prime Minister as well as the President that Pride will be made possible and protected!

Feminist and queer festival Rdeče zore protests against the inability of Serbian state to protect the basic human rights of sexual minorities in its own state. We protest against the police decisions to not act on its own security studies’ measures and choose the tactic of pressure on the organizers (in hope they are going to cancel the event) instead. We protest against the fact that the police, in the last 48 hours before Pride, refused to cooperate with the organizers in securing Pride Parade, and thus applied even further pressure on the organizers. Police refused to take responsibility for maintaining public order during the event. Instead, the organizers were told that they would be held responsible for any public damage caused by the hooligans and fascist groups who have been organizing a violent response to Pride!

We ask: how it is possible that Section 49 of the Serbian Constitution condemns hate speech yet the responsible authorities do not prosecute it? Instead, the official line has been that this is “a debate, an exchange of opinions”! Are Serbian fascist groups’ calls for violence against Pride participants (published in Serbian media) that included calls for their lynching and beating an example of hate-free “debate”? The refusal to protect the participants of the Pride has forced the organizers to cancel the event and shown that right-wing violence has again won over the human rights of minority groups in Serbia.

Rdeče zore festival supports the efforts of Pride organizers to contiunally fight for human rights of LGBT citizens. We also support their official request that police takes action against fascist and right-wing organizations that have issued hate speech against LGBT citizens and Pride in the press. We support their protests against the failure of Serbian state and police to defend their most basic human rights – their right to gather and speak safely in the streets of their hometown and state.

Yours truly,
Feminist and Queer Festival Rdeče zore,
Ljubljana, September 23rd 2009

V Zagrebu se začenja 3. festival Vox Feminae!

Na festivalu sodeluje tudi skupina oblikovalk prostora, ki si je pred kratkim nadela ime A Lot A Trash in že dolga leta skrbi za podobo preddverja in notranjosti Menze pri koritu v času festivala Rdeče zore. Čestitamo!


Vox Feminae - Ladyfest Zagreb festival je umjetničkog stvaralaštva žena koji promovira urbanu umjetničku produkciju treću godinu za redom. Sa dosadašnjih 3, festival je narastao na 5 dana i ove godine održava se u kulturnom centru Medika od 30. rujna do 4. listopada. Već devet godina, počevši od prvog Ladyfesta održanom 2000. u Olympiji, Washington, globalni fenomen Ladyfestova sve više uzima maha, te ih danas postoji oko stotinjak diljem svijeta. (...)

Vox Feminae festival je kreativnosti, sveobuhvatnosti i uvažavanja, specifičnih umjetničkih i angažiranih glasova na kojemu je u odličnoj mjeri utkana informacija, društvena angažiranost i zabava, a podržan je od Ministarstva kulture RH i Hrvatskog audiovizualnog centra. Organizator festivala je K-zona, prostor rodne i medijske kulture.

Celoten uvod in program festivala je objavljen na strani:

Začenja se 15. festival Mesto žensk!

15. Mednarodni festival sodobnih umetnosti – Mesto žensk
Svetovni jug

9.-18. oktober 2009

V zadnjem letu tega desetletja se Mesto žensk usmerja v tematizacijo kulturne konstante Juga, ki zavzema v 21. stoletju vse pomembnejše mesto v družbenem, političnem in kulturnem kontekstu. S parafrazo pojma Svetovni jug, kaj kmalu spoznamo stereotipizacijo in negativno konotacijo, ki jo pojem juga zavzema v mednarodnem političnem in ekonomskem kontekstu. Zaradi tega bomo jug ponovno premislili in ga odkrivali skozi perspektivo toplih, umazanih in divjih barv in v odnosu do mešanice eksotičnih okusov, ki so hkrati sladki in trpki, močni in nenavadni. Slednje bomo premešali in razkrivali počasi, korak za korakom. Pokazalo se bo, da jug ni le umazan in len, da ni nujno periferija, temveč samostojna produkcijska in kreativna zakladnica.


nedelja, 13. september 2009

Rdeča junakinja in Devil Music Ensemble v Menzi pri koritu

Rdeče zore vabijo na kinoušesne užitke!

Bostonska zasedba Devil Music Ensemble v živo spremlja nemi kung fu filmu Rdeča junakinja Wena Yimina iz leta 1929. Video napoved je tukaj.

V torek, 22. septembra, ob 22h v Menzi pri koritu, AKC Metelkova mesto.


Rdeča junakinja (Hong Xia), 1929, 94 min
Režija: Wen Yimin
Igrajo: Fan Xuepeng, Shu Gohui, Wang Juqing, Wen Yimin, Sao Guanyu

Yun Mei

Šesti del Rdeče junakinje, edinega ohranjenega dela 13-delne serije, je eden najstarejših in najbolje ohranjenih nemih filmov iz žanra borilnih veščin. Podivjana vojska vpade v vas in ugrabi dekle, zaradi česar umre dekletova babica. Ujetnici grozi posilstvo, vendar jo reši skrivnostni učitelj borilnih veščin Bela opica. Tri leta pozneje se Yun Mei (v angleških podnapisih Yun Ko, igra jo Fan Xuepeng) pojavi kot izurjena bojevnica, ki čaka na to, da bi lahko uporabila magične trike in maščevala babičino smrt.

Devil Music Ensemble
Brendan Wood (električna kitara, »lap steel« kitara, sintetizator)
Jonah Rapino (električna violina, vibrafon, »lap steel« kitara, sintetizator, erhu)
Tim Nylander (bobni, kitajska tolkala)

Bostonski hudičevi godci, ki so se v zadnjih letih profilirali predvsem kot »kinoušesna« zasedba, se na obsežni evropski turneji mudijo s kurioziteto Wena Yimina Rdeča junakinja (Hong Xia). Eden redkih filmov borilnih veščin, ki se je ohranil iz obdobja kitajskega nemega filma, je nastal v Šanghaju konec dvajsetih let, na vrhuncu popularnosti tega žanra. V njem spremljamo mlado Yun Mei, ki se s pomočjo učitelja borilnih veščin iz žrtve prelevi v maščevalko.

Bela opica

Slabih osemdeset let po nastanku je Rdeča junakinja dobila novo glasbeno preobleko, ki so jo Devil Music Ensemble premierno predstavili lani. Zasedba se je naslonila na tradicijo kitajske klasične in ljudske glasbe ter črpala iz kung fu filmov in tako znova izpričala svojo odprtost do različnih glasbenih žanrov, izročil in praks – značilnost, ki ni presenetljiva, če se ozremo po njihovem dosedanjem delu.

Brendan Wood (kitara), Jonah Rapino (el. violina) in Tim Nylander (bobni) so namreč začeli kot rockovski trojec (tedaj še brez »ansambla« v imenu) in bolj po naključju padli v nemi film. Hkrati pa so (p)ostali aktivni v sodobni klasični in filmski glasbi. V svojih ozvočevanjih tako zlahka prehajajo med orkestralno glasbo, improvizacijo ter rockovskimi, elektronskimi in ljudskimi vplivi. DME so do zdaj napisali deset izvirnih partitur za neme filme.

Med drugim so se lotili klasik nemškega ekspresionizma, Kabineta dr. Caligarija (r. Robert Wiene, 1920) in Nosferatuja (F. W. Murnau, 1922), malo znanega nemega komičnega vesterna Big Stakes (r. Clifford S. Ellfelt, 1922) in »prve ameriške grozljivke,« Doktorja Jekylla in gospoda Hydea (John S. Robertson, 1920).

sobota, 12. september 2009

Dogaja: 4. festival PitchWise!

5. - 13. 9. 2009, Zenica, Banja Luka, Sarajevo

Četvrti po redu PitchWise (PW) festival ženske umjetnosti je posvećen feminističkom umrežavanju i aktivizmu. U 2009. godini smo željele okupiti umjetnice i aktivistice, umjetnike i aktiviste, koje/i svojim upornim radom kontinuirano transformišu kulturu nasilja u kulturu mira, bilo da se radi o Bosni i Hercegovini, ili široj regiji.

Lea Kralj Jager, iz serije Stvari koje sam čula tijekom školovanja

Na jednom od feminističkih druženja u Centru za ženske studije Zagreb, upoznale smo rad mlade hrvatske umjetnice Lee Kralj Jager - iz kolekcije ’Stvari koje su mi rekli/e’. Ponudile smo Lei da prvi rad iz ove kolekcije bude vizualni identitet ovogodišnjeg PW festivala jer direktno i iskreno obara stereotipe o feministkinjama i feministima, ali govori puno i o maskama koje svaka osoba bira bez obzira da li ih te maske uistinu predstavljaju ili ne. Stavljanjem maske uvijek ostavljamo i mogućnost da ćemo masku skinuti, zamijeniti, otkloniti... da ćemo odabrani i/ili novonastali identitet obrgliti, preispitati, prihvatiti, nadograditi i stoga nam Lein rad predstavlja optimistički izbor da vidimo i gledamo ono što same i/ili sami odaberemo, bilo kroz masku, mikroskop ili oči kojima gledamo. Prepoznale smo da Lein rad s lakoćom dekonstruiše i prevazilazi stereotipe i pretpostavke o feministkinjama kao čudakinjama, nudeći očigledne istine o tome da smo svi/e različiti/e i da možemo otkrivati i slaviti tu raznolikost među nama. To je ujedno i ilustracija zašto CURE kreiraju i dijele festival kao dobronamjernu poruku i dar za bh. javnosti, za sebe i podržavateljice i podržavatelje u svijetu. Hvala Lei što je podijelila svoj rad i dala upečatljiv identitet ovogodišnjem pičvajzanju.

Nadaljevanje uvoda in program:

petek, 11. september 2009

Eye-candy from Wednesday's Sister Spit reading in Menza

Kat Marie Yoas sing-reading about her goddes/dominatrix experience.
Photo by J.K.

Check out more photos here:
And here:

sobota, 8. avgust 2009

Gostovanje kolektiva Sister Spit in odprti mikrofon v Menzi pri koritu

Na turneji literarne, spoken word in performans skupine Sister Spit (The Next Generation) nastopajo odbite fanzinarke, pisateljice, performerke, skejtarke, ilustratorke in slam pesnice, ki soustvarjajo nadvse živahno umetniško queer/grrrl sceno v San Franciscu.

Michelle Tea
Cristy C Road
Rhiannon Argo
Kat Marie
Yoas Em Ledger

Tako kot ‘prvo generacijo’ iz devetdesetih (Sister Spit Ramblin' Roadshow) je tudi drugo pred mikrofon, v kombi in na pot povabila Michelle Tea, avtorica številnih romanov in zbornikov, ki s svojo neposrednostjo in divje hitrim tempom zadenejo naravnost v žilo – tokrat v živo!

Po nastopih bo mikrofon odprt in željan tudi vaših vpadov! Pesmi, manifesti, slemanje, šale, javna ljubavna pisma - vse šteje.

Za plesno musko (indie rock, elektro/postpank, riot grrrlz, novi val in še kaj) bosta skrbeli DJane Sister in - premierno! - DJane Fumarola.

Sreda, 9. september 2009 ob 21.00 v Menzi pri koritu, AKC Metekova mesto.
Vstopnina: 3 €


Biografije nastopajočih

Michelle Tea
Njen zadnji roman Rose of No Man's Land pripoveduje zgodbo o najstniški/em queer samotarju/ki, ki se zaljubi v 'podgano na spidu'. Tako kot prvenec, The Passionate Mistakes and Intricate Corruption of One Girl in America, tudi drugi roman Valencia, za katerega je prejela nagrado Lambda (naslednje leto izide tudi v slovenščini), sestoji iz avtobiografskih zapisov o življenju mlade darkerice in seksualne delavke, ki živi od in za poezijo, ples, seks in ljubav. Pred kratkim je uredila tudi zbornik esejev It's So You, kjer Eileen Myles, Kim Gordon, Jenny Shimizu, Kate Bornstein, Ali Liebegott in druge severnoameriške ikone queer-feminizma pišejo o tem, kako so postale tako samosvoje in nasploh kul.

Cristy C Road
Avtorica stripovskih fanzinov Indestructible in Bad Habits, mešanice dnevniških zapisov in kratkih zgodb o pankroku, feminizmu, kubansko-ameriških družinah in nenehnemu zaljubljanju v punce. Oblikovala je tudi številne pank in anarhistične plakate, naslovnice albumov in logotipe.

Rhiannon Argo
Skejterka, bodoča knjižničarka in pisateljica v komičnem prvencu The Creamsicle piše o goltanju tablet, delu v striptiz klubih in zlomljenih srcih mladih queerov, ki so pravkar končali na cesti…

Kat Marie Yoas
Proletarka in performerka, ki v eseju, objavljenem v zborniku We Don't Need Another Wave: Dispatches From the Next Generation of Feminists, pljuva po razrednih predsodkih in privilegijih večine ameriških akademskih feministk.

Em Ledger
Edina britanska udeleženka turneje – in hkrati njena organizatorica – fura grrrl kolektiv Lola and the Cartwheels. Izdaja dva fanzine: The World's A Mess in Yr My Only Cure.


Dodatne povezave:
Sister Spit na Wikipediji:
Fotografije s preteklih turnej:
Spletna distribucija vseh omenjenih fanzinov:

četrtek, 23. julij 2009

Skupaj za Muro - povej naprej!

Danes, 23. 7. , pred vlado. (Foto: Dare Čekeliš)


Piši odgovornim za potek nadaljnjih dogajanj v Muri.

Dani Marije Jurić Zagorke 2009

Centar za ženske studije, Zagreb,
u suradnji s Odsjekom za komparativnu književnost Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Poziv za sudjelovanje na znanstvenom skupu:

koji će se održati 27. i 28. studenog 2008. u Zagrebu.

Najavljujući treće po redu Dane Marije Jurić Zagorke, Centar za ženske studije u suradnji s Odsjekom za komparativnu književnost Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu poziva na sudjelovanje na dvodnevnom međunarodnom znanstvenom skupu s dvije teme – stalnom temom Zagorka – život, djelo, naslijeđe, i ovogodišnjom glavnom temom Feminizam, povijest, politika. S dvije predložene teme nastavljamo razvijati koncept Zagorkinih dana (24.-29.11.2009.) i znanstvenog skupa kao središnjeg mjesta za raspravu o ženskom autorstvu, odnosno o percipiranju, vrednovanju i ovjeri stvaralaštva žena u različitim društvenim, povijesnim i kulturnim kontekstima.

Podrobnosti o razpisu so dostopne tukaj.

For Fuck's Sake - Part II

In the previous post, Anna Ehrlemark shared some impressions about the XXX Politics, or as we prefer, For Fuck's Sake workshop we held at the 2009 Pride Istanbul week. Here are some of my additions...

The workshop took place in a dance studio called Çıplak Ayaklar or, in literal translation, Naked Feet, a name that, if you ask the neighbors, seems to suggest more than you could ever imagine seeing at the hammam right next door. Not only did we listen to on-screen moans and sighs at lower volume; during the workshop, the entrance door was locked – just in case another guardian of pub(l)ic morals would decide to check up on yet another shameless exposure of conscientious objectors who, among other kind and brave people, run the venue.

The studio is placed in a small dead-end street beside a metal workshop where a large sun-tanned man was smoking a cigarette, resting in the fading daylight while people began gathering for the discussion and screening. To my great surprise, there were people there who said they never watch porn but have come to see whether the independent and possibly queer porn films have something “less revolting” and more ticklish to offer.

After seeing portions of Trans Entities: The Nasty Love of Papi' and Wil and The Crash Pad, a girl said she could only enjoy these films if she put herself into a “male mindset”, a comment that needed further explaining since the exact characteristics of a “male mindset” seemed to be unknown to male and female participants alike. And yet, our demands to explain her claim might have been too pushy. In fact, it looked like we were too busy proving our point to actually hear her answer.

Did she say that the pleasures embodied on-screen were too far from the ones she likes? Or that the use of porn for arousal is, in her eyes, a domain so traditionally male, that it is easier for her to imagine herself in that role than it would be to claim that space, make it comfortable for her as a woman? Perhaps all she was saying was that she could not identify with those filmed bodies – an issue that seems to enter reflections on porn use only at workshops like these. As an abundance of sources claims, the essential condition for one’s enjoyment of porn is the opposite: you have to accept the objectification of another’s body in order to let your fantasies go, and allow yourself to scribble your own handwriting on those bodies. And then again: if you feel objectified and reduced to a sex object in real life – how can you be expected to do the same to people acting in virtual representations of sex? Especially those that deliberately try to familiarize you with the actors, de-objectify them, by interviewing them and showing the interviews before the sex, for example.

If we were satisfied with Barbara DeGenevieve’s amusing definition of queer porn as porn in which “queer people are having queer sex”, feminist porn proved to be a more difficult subject to pin down. As mentioned in Anna's notes, Jennifer Lyon Bell’s film received quite contradictory responses, all made in the name of feminism. In order to make any kind of discussion possible – in spite of the very articulate and respectful participants – it seemed that everybody has to define what they claim in the name of feminism first. And we tried.

There were people who have already seen all the films we brought for screening, and willingly shared other film suggestions with us. Like Abby Winters, an amateur lesbian site that prides itself with moral, or rather, ethical integrity. Also recommended were the Straight Guys for Gay Eyes site and the award-winning documentary about female masculinity by Gabriel Baur, Venus Boyz (2002). And, of course the fabulous “erotic noir” SM film by Maria Beatty, The Black Glove.

During The Crash Pad scene
screening, I was smoking a cigarette in the studio’s kitchen. While watching familiar scenes, I realized that I must have reached my limit. I must have seen that film four times, and like it happens with “real” unimaginative sex, I definitely had enough. The scene that aroused me at the first viewing seemed terribly long and predictable now, and the only joy I could find was in the fact that I was looking at the scene in a mirror that reflected another mirror’s reflection of the screen.

I was thinking about what Luca Donnini said earlier that day: that from a genital point of view, the number of possibilities, sex positions, is very limited: our bodies are too predictably familiar, too similar to each other. And yet, if you talk about genders and their possible expressions, the details and differences multiply into infinity. While the challenge of making interesting, challenging, arousing queer porn would seem to lie right there – in the ability to portray that playful variety – it seems, strangely enough, that a whole lot of people are turned on more (and therefore keep looking for) visual representations of sex that are familiar, mirroring more of the same familiarity.

And thinking about the girl who had to put on her “male” persona in order to enjoy “women-friendly” porn, I could think of only one question: could it be that enjoyment of independent, feminist or queer porn requires a process of un-learning the rules of the genre (allowed and accessible fantasies included) as defined by mainstream production first. Could it be that, in order to enjoy porn, you also have to un-learn behaviors that are socially approved for your sex? And then: does it demand an exposure to a great variety of independent queer porn so that you can familiarize yourself with queer bodies and previously unseen fantasies, and get used to them. In other words, does it demand, like other kinds of sensitivities, a training in the ability to imagine the yet unseen and inexperienced? Something like our attempt to stamp out “common morals” with our “naked” feet and vulnerable ethics, perhaps.

sobota, 18. julij 2009

For fuck's sake - Red Dawns at Istabul Pride

Why do you watch porn, and what do you miss in mainstream porn? were the two questions that framed the Red Dawns XXX-Politics discussion/filmscreening at Istanbul Pride in june. Sex sold better there than in Ljubljana (where the porn screenings on this years festival were surprisingly empty) and the workshop had over thirty participants that willingly shared personal facts about masturbatory habits as well as conflicting thoughts and critics on the subject of so called independent porn. Coming from a queer-feminist festival in constant identity crisis ;), also this discussion soon came to circle about what exactly makes porn queer or feminist and how to deal with different feminist critics of mainstream pornography while letting your mind turn on "wrong" fantasies. The interpretation of the feminist intentions behind for example Jennifer Lyon Bell's Headshot where diametrically different. Somebody watched it as a feminist revenge-blow-job, humiliating the man by exposing him vulnerable on film, another as a revelation showing that the so battered male pleasure isn't the mysogynic core of porn at all – pleasure is good. One voice stated that there is absulutely nothing more feministic about Jennifer's remake of Andy Warhol's Blow job than the original at all, while somebody else pointed out that from a feminist point of view the prologue-epilogue showing the actors' mutual consent means everything. An intense and relevant discussion interrupted only by the films and Rüzgar running to turn the volume down in an attempt to hide our immoral intentions from the neighbours...

Revolutionary free love to Istanbul Pride from Red Dawns!

And Rüzgars photo-story is here.

petek, 17. julij 2009

LaD.I.Y.fest Berlin 2009

July 16th-19th

LaD.I.Y.fest is a non-profit, volunteer run ‘Do It Yourself’ (D.I.Y.) festival of music, art, film, discussions and workshops organized and orchestrated by feminist activists, artists and musicians of various genders. It helps to showcase the skills and talents of a diverse group of groundbreaking feminist people working in the arts, community building and activism. It is a participatory festival, and most importantly, a community festival that is bound together within a worldwide network.

Read the program here!

četrtek, 9. julij 2009

ponedeljek, 15. junij 2009

XXX-Politics at Istanbul Pride 2009

Independent Porn as a Critical Response to Mainstream Porn - Workshop / Discussion / Film Screenings at Istanbul Pride 2009!

Tuesday, June 23rd 2009, 20:00 – 23:00 at the Çıplak Ayaklar Dance Studio. Address: Firuzağa mah., Çukurcuma cad., No: 6/ 3, Beyoğlu/İstanbul, Turkey; phone: 0212 252 30 13

The discussion/workshop is going to focus on independent pornographic films that can be labelled as political, feminist, queer or simply different from what the mainstream porno industry has to offer. Like all porn, independent porno films are about sexually explicit imagery intended for sexual arousal of the viewer. But the difference is significant. There are many amateur and professional film-makers who deliberately ignore, resist, laugh at, comment on or are bored with the persistent male-centered gaze, misogynystic scenarios and reproduction of heterosexual norms in the mainstream porn industry.

Independent porn is a direct and critical response to mainstream porn production. It is providing our horny and queer, role-playing and bisexual, lesbian and gay, submissive and dominant, transgressive and straight desires with a show-and-tell alternative. It is about reclaiming the right to sexual pleasure as we like it, to the beauty of bodies like yours and mine. It is about resisting sexual humilation, violence and exploitation in porn as a symptom of rather than the reason for the sexual and gender violence in society. It is not about liberal relativizing, but about respecting mutual consent. About ethics.

Is independent porn political? From a feminist point of view, it is politically correct because queer people with queer bodies are in it having queer sex. But porn can never be completely politically correct, because our fantasies are not. That's why watching and producing queer porn opens up a field of difficult questions that an unconditional anti-pornographic stance doesn't allow us to face. Barbara DeGenevive, one of the filmmakers that will be presented during the workshop, puts it this way:

"Porn is made to get people off. In order to do this, bodies must not only be highly sexualized, but objectified, fetishized, exotified and made to accommodate very particular individual kinks. Political correctness has become an intellectual prison within which an extremely limited dialogue can take place, and in fact where monologues and diatribes are usually the discursive practice. Embracing the need to objectify and be objectified, to fetishize and be fetishized, to play the willing victim as well as the victimizer, opens up a mine field that will be difficult to traverse, but it is a more intellectually provocative and honest terrain from which to understand who we are as complex sexual beings."

During the workshop we will show and discuss excerpts from the following independent porn films:

- Watching Lesbian Porn (dir.: Dayna McLeod, 2001, 10'18'', Canada, excerpt, Turkish subtitles
- Headshot (dir.: Jennifer Lyon Bell, Blue Artichoke Films, 2006, 9'00'', NL/USA)
- Trans Entities – The Nasty Love of Papi' and Wil (dir.: Morty Diamond, 2007, USA, excerpt, Turkish subtitles)
- The Crash Pad (dir.: Shine Louise Houston, Pink and White Productions, 2007/08, USA, excerpt)
- The Raspberry Reich (dir.: Bruce LaBruce, 2004, Canada, excerpt)
- Love Hotel (dir.: Barbara DeGenevieve, 2009, USA, excerpt)

Your questions and critiques are most welcome. The workshop is moderated by Anna Ehrlemark and Tea Hvala, the 2009 Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns (Ljubljana, Slovenia) porn film screening curators.

To apply, write to
The workshop is going to be in English. Simultaneous translation to Turkish is going to be provided. The number of participants is limited to 30 people. To help us prepare for the workshop we would be grateful if you enclose your reply to the following questions:

Why do you watch porn? Or why not?
What do feel is lacking in mainstream porn?

For stimulation, here are some missing (porn) links:

sobota, 18. april 2009


This is a call to our friends and allies for solidarity and action! This call is rising from our frustration on the nonstoping hate crimes and deep worries about the closeure case on Lambdaistanbul.

On April 29th, one day before Lambdaistanbul’s last hearing, we as LGBT activists will take our place on the streets of Istanbul and demand our rights once again.
With this call we ask from our friends and allies around the world to support us on the same day, by demonstrating in front of their local Turkish Embassies and creating international pressure.

Please contact: Rüzgar from Lambdaistanbul ( and Kemal from Kaos GL ( about the actions.
Although being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender is not criminalised in Turkey, discrimination practices and persecutions of LGBT people are commonplace. Therefore, in this call, we as Kaos GL Cultural Research and Solidarity Association, Lambdaistanbul LGBTT Solidarity Association and Pink Life LGBTT Solidarity Association in Turkey, ask for solidarity and urge human rights NGOs and groups in Europe to take necessary actions against human rights violations of LGBT individuals in Turkey. [These official bodies will be provided with possible strategies by us with a separate attachment when they are e-mailed.]
Below, you will find the current major problems of LGBT people in Turkey, explained with real cases. In addition, the demands of LGBT rights organizations from the Turkish government.

1) LGBT people have been facing attacks and murders and unluckily, these crimes have increased contemporarily. Here are some examples of hate crimes from the passing year – both in the form of attacks and murders [You will find an extra document in which hate crimes against LGBT individuals in two years are listed in detail]:

-       Ahmet Yıldız, a gay man, was shot to death on 15 July 2008, in İstanbul.

-       Dilek İnce, a transsexual woman, was shot to death on 12 October 2008, in Ankara.

-       Ebru Soykan, a transsexual woman, was stabbed to death on 10 March 2008, in İstanbul.

-       Özkan Zengin confessed under police interrogation that he killed six gay men [Mehmet Naci Zeyrek, Ercan Coşkun, Enes Arıcı, Yaşar Mızrak, Aziz Taşdemir, Tarık Güzeller] in a year, from 2008 May to 2009 March.

-       Melek D., a transsexual woman, was stabbed to death in her house on 11 April 2009, in Ankara.

2) We, as Kaos GL, Lambdaistanbul and Pink Life Associations are worried, since the number of hate crimes is increasing and the Turkish government does not take any necessary action in the form of enacting legislation and implementation. We urge the Turkish Government to:

-       Find the attackers and murderers of LGBT people.

-       Define attacks and murders against LGBT individuals as “hate crimes”.

-       Stop decreasing the sentences based on “provocation” while punishing murderers or attackers of LGBT people.

-       Amend the Turkish Penal Code (Article 122) in order to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

-       Amend the Turkish Constitution (Article 10) to give equal rights to LGBT people.

-       Eliminate discrimination against transgender individuals in employment and develop programs that will open employment opportunities outside the sex work, which is carried out in dangerous conditions.
1) There have been several issues with the freedom of organization in relation to LGBT associations in Turkey. In particular, the process of registration is depending on the goodwill of the administrative authorities. Contemporarily, the case opened against Lambdaistanbul LGBTT Solidarity Association is in the main agenda of LGBT rights organizations, with current hate crimes.
Lambdaistanbul gained legal status in April 2006. An official demand to ban Lambdaistanbul LGBTT Solidarity Association was lodged on June 9, 2006, on the basis that the concepts of “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transvestite and transsexual” (LGBTT) listed in the name of Lambdaistanbul LGBTT Solidarity Association and the aims of the association listed in the 2nd article of its charter were against general morality of Turkish society and Turkish family structure. The prosecution office in Istanbul reached a decision in February 2007 to allow the group to continue to operate. But after the prosecution rejected the demand for a closure trial in the name of freedom of organization, the Governor’s Office appealed. On 29 May 2008, the 3rd Civil Court of Beyoglu of First Instance ignored an expert’s report and dissolved the association on the grounds that it was inconsistent with “general morals” and “Turkish family values”. The 7th Judicial Office of the Supreme Court of Appeals has overturned the ruling of Istanbul’s 3rd Civil Court of First Instance, which had decided to close down the Lambda Istanbul LGBTT Solidarity Association for a “violation of general morals”. The appeal court’s decision was taken on 25 November 2008, but in a six-page decree the court ruled that “sexual identity and orientation are facts that people do not choose of free will, but that stem from birth or upbringing and a person has no control over.” Ironically, we concerned that the Supreme Court of Appeals stated in its decision that " ..... the dissolution of the defendant association could still be demanded, if it would act counter to its charter, in the ways of encouraging or provoking lesbian, gay, bisexual, transvestite and transsexual behavior or acting with the aim of spreading such sexual orientations" because such a statement may lead attempts to limit the freedom of association of LGBT individuals in the future.
The following case against Lambdaistanbul LGBTT Solidarity Association will be seen in the 3rd Civil Court of Beyoglu of First Instance, on 30 April 2009.
2) Kaos GL, Lambdaistanbul and Pink Life Associations urge the Turkish Government to:
-        Eliminate the prohibition against “obscenity” in the Turkish Penal Code or, at the very least, clearly define what constitutes “obscenity” and ensure that the definition applies equally to homosexual, bisexual and heterosexual people.
-        Amend the Turkish Constitution in order to give equal rights to LGBT people. Article 10 of the Turkish Constitution contains a list of groups that must be treated equally before the law. This list must be amended to specifically guarantee the equal rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.
- Amend the Turkish Penal Code (Article 122) in order to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation.

petek, 17. april 2009

Vstaja nevidnih delavcev sveta

Za garantiran dohodek in svobodo gibanja!

Nevidni delavci sveta in IWW vabijo na srečanje - in razpaljotko - v SC Rog, 18. april 2009 ob 20h.

Pridružite se snovanju 27. aprila na ulicah Ljubljane in pri oblikovanju osvobodilnega partizanskega gibanja - eksodusa iz usrane, ponižujoče, enodimenzionalne in absurdne družbe dela.

Predavanje 'Koncept čarovništva: med terensko raziskavo in teorijo'

ISH obvešča, da bo imela dr. Alja Adam v postopku izvolitve v naziv docentke javno nastopno predavanje z naslovom:

Koncept čarovništva: med terensko raziskavo in teorijo

V predavanju bodo najprej predstavljeni intervjuji iz terensko raziskovalnega tabora iz Kostanjevice na Krki, v katerih so julija 2008 vaščani in vaščanke opisovali lik vaške čarovnice. Coprnica, »ženska, ki je kriva« oziroma »grešna koza« je pomemben del vaške strukture, saj predstavlja objekt, skozi katerega ljudje kanalizirajo svoje strahove ter negativna čustva, predvsem ljubosumje in zavist.

Predavateljica bo nato spregovorila o zgodovinskem in mitološkem kontekstu čarovništva in pokazala, kako se predpisane lastnosti čarovnice reproducirajo skozi čas. Koncept čarovništva bo povezala tudi s prakso babištva, ki se je razvijala v srednjem veku. Iz zgodovine so znani številni primeri (še posebej iz 15. stoletja), ko so kot čarovnice sežigali babice, torej ženske, ki so imele dostop do ginekološkega znanja. Cerkvene in posvetne oblasti so s tem, ko so iztrebile babištvo, prevzele kontrolo nad »proizvodnjo ljudi« in nad žensko seksualnostjo.

Predavanje bo v torek, 21. aprila 2009 ob 12.00 uri v prostorih ISH, Slovenska cesta 30a (Knafljev prehod), Ljubljana.

Izšla je deveta številka revije Narobe

Dosegljiva je na netu (, na Facebooku (išči "revija Narobe"), na običajnih mestih ... in po novem lahko tudi v vašem domačem poštnem nabiralniku (glej zavihtek "naročanje" na Z novo številko smo prenovili spletno stran Narobe - oglejte si "Narobe-blog" in "Narobe-obvestila".

Na voljo je tudi prvi Narobe-video: kako smo papežu pošiljali kondome []

Iz vsebine:
* Intervju z Ano Dragičević, ki so jo starši zaradi spolne usmerjenosti prisilili v petletno psihiatrično zdravljenje
* Intervju z Andrejem Karolijem z Vala 202: "Pastirji in ovce"
* Tema: Medvedja subkultura
* V središču: GLBT-politiki in Eleanor Roosevelt - zamolčana ljubezen prve dame sveta
* Test spletnih svetovalnic
* Slehernik: Marko Popovič
* Raziskava: GLBT-mladi v Sloveniji
* Boris Vezjak: Čez planke in zaplankanost
* Te(r)orija: Al' prav se reče gej/lezbijka ali queer
* Medišit: Alka Vuica - strokovnjakinja za transseksualnost
* Predstavitev novih glbt-knjig, filmov, gledaliških predstav ...
* Drag: Čaj z Afrodito
... in še veliko več :)

Predavanje 'Umetnice in njihove poti v času'

dr. Lev Menaše, umetnostni zgodovinar, kritik in teoretik
torek, 21. april 2009, ob 18.00
Umetnostna galerija Maribor, Strossmayerjeva 6

Na začetku predavanja se bo dr. Lev Menaše posvetil problemu "ženske umetnosti" in vprašanju, kdaj in v kakšnih okoliščinah se je ta pojem sploh uveljavil. Nadaljevanje bo posvečeno primerom nekaterih ustvarjalk iz preteklosti zahodnoevropske likovne umetnosti, tako starejših kakor modernih. V zaključku naj bi obravnaval primere iz (bolj ali manj) sodobne slovenske umetnosti in ob tem opozoril na nekatere osnovne - eksistenčne in druge - probleme, s katerimi se umetnice srečujejo danes.

Dr. Lev Menaše je likovni kritik in teoretik. Bil je dolgoletni profesor predmeta Umetnost novega veka zahodne Evrope na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Je tudi avtor številnih razstav in katalogov ter pisec monografskih publikacij, mdr. Umetnostni zakladi Slovenije; Marija v
slovenski umetnosti: ikonologija slovenske marijanske umetnosti od začetkov do prve svetovne vojne; Images of God; Akt na Slovenskem 1; Slikarstvo in Akt na Slovenskem 2, Kiparstvo.

Vstop prost.

Umetnostna galerija Maribor
Strossmayerjeva 6, 2000 Maribor
T 02/ 229 58 60, 02/ 250 25 43
M 041/ 658 473, F 02/ 252 77 84[tt_news]=634&cHash=9eecd9ec8c

Tri Emanatove plesne predstave

Vljudno vabljeni na aprilske dogodke zavoda EMANAT v Ljubljani in Mariboru:

Maja Delak & Luka Prinčič: UNE FAÇON D`AIMER / POTI LJUBEZNI

ponedeljek, 20. april ob 21.00 - KUD France Prešeren
(ponovitvi v maju: 26. in 27. 5. ob 21.00 - KUD France Prešeren)

Četrtek, 23. april ob 18.00 - SNG Maribor, Mali oder
PLATFORMA mladih ustvarjalcev, Maribor

Nina Fajdiga, Jasmina Krizaj & Tina Valentan: SUGAR RUSH

Sobota, 25. april ob 20.00 - SNG Maribor, mali oder
PLATFORMA mladih ustvarjalcev - Maribor

sreda, 8. april 2009

Kondom za papeža!



Dobimo se ob 12.00 na začetku Wolfove ulice (pri slaščičarni Zvezda), kjer bomo prevzeli 100 napihnjenih kondomov. Vsak/a bo dobil/a enega in nanj bo lahko s flumastrom napisal/a sporočilo za papeža, ali le ljub pozdrav (primerne flumastre prinesite s seboj). S kondomi bomo krenili prek Tromostovja do ljubljanske stolnice, kjer bomo kondome spustili v zrak. Napolnjeni s helijem bodo začeli svojo dolgo potovanje, na vse strani sveta, in upamo lahko, da bo vsaj kak kondom prišel do papeža, s svojim sporočilom vred.

Ne umri zaradi strahu, pošlji papežu kondom!

* akcija ob papeževem nasprotovanju uporabe kondomov, ki dokazano preprečujejo prenos virusa HIV in drugih spolno prenosljivih bolezni, ter varujejo pred nezaželeno nosečnostjo!

torek, 7. april 2009

Pogovor o feminizmu na Radiu ARS

Pogovor o aktualnih feminističnih temah, povezavah med feministično teorijo in prakso, posebej še povezavah med feminizmom, umetnostjo in političnim delovanjem.

Gostje: Suzana Tratnik, Marina Gržinić, Ana Grobler, Alenka Spacal, Tea Hvala
Moderator: Tomaž Simon

Vabljene k poslušanju!

V sredo, 7. aprila 2009 od 14.05 do 15.00
na Radiu SLO III (ARS) v oddaji Arsov forum.
Prenos v živo:

Women's Assembly in Rog

Thursdays at 16.00 in the big door of Rog

The first women's assembly (ženska skupščina?), that will hopefully become regular... On Thursdays at 16.00, in Vagabund, one room inside of Rog, Trubarjeva 72. We can meet in the grey door, outside.

The proposition is create a space where women can feel comfortable to share their experiences, feeling, about sexism and feminist, analyses our reality and create mutual support. Some dynamics can be debates or discussions, role playings, feminist activism...

We hope it will be relax and funny, and all ideas are welcome.

Hope to see you there!

Javna tribuna Fronte za svobodo sveta

Fronta za svobodo sveta poziva na javno tribuno

“Združeni v boju proti fašizmu: 1941-2009”

KJE: Javna tribuna bo v prostorih Društva vojnih invalidov, Malenškova 6, Ljubljana
KDAJ: Četrtek, 9. aprila 2009, ob 17.00 uri.

Fronta za svobodo sveta, ki jo sestavljajo mnogotere družbene iniciative ter posameznice in posamezniki, vabi na javno tribuno, na kateri se bo razpravljalo o pomenu in tradiciji protifašističnega boja, o sodobnih oblikah fašizma, nestrpnosti in zatiranja človekovega dostojanstva.

Fronta za svobodo sveta obenem poziva vse, da se dejavno vključijo v pobudo. Da podprejo skupno izjavo, spišejo svojo, organizirajo antifašistične dogodke, ustvarjajo antifašistične vsebine in prostore. Predvsem pa, da prispevajo pri pripravi in udeležbi na shodu 27. aprila, na dan Osvobodilne fronte ter k iniciativi prispevajo tudi kasneje.

Spletna stran:

Na spletni strani je objavljena tudi javna izjava Fronte za svobodo sveta.

ponedeljek, 6. april 2009

Err0r: Izložba v delu I: Vem, da si me slišal

torek, 14.4. ob 21:00
Err0r: Izložba v delu I.: Vem, da si me slišal
(na ogled do 30.4. v razstavnem prostoru Caffe Metropol, Kersnikova 6)

Živimo v potrošniški družbi, v kateri je tudi konzumacija umetnosti eden od kriterijev dobrega potrošništva. Na koliko razstavah si bil, koliko koncertov, predstav si videl, je prav tako merilo za uspešnega posameznika. "Več je več" bi se lahko glasil moto sodobne družbe.

In kje stoji umetnik? Se je tudi on prilagodil družbenim normativom in pričel ustvarjati po načelu "višje, hitreje, močneje"? Kam naj še prodre, da bo njegov pogled bolj viden, njegova misel bolj slišana in da ga bo mogoče čim laže instantno zaužiti in mirno prebaviti?

Poraja se torej vprašanje, "kako čim enostavneje priti do potrošnika umetnosti?" Odgovor je preprost: umetnost mora v bifeje, restavracije, supermarkete, nakupovalna središča, saj se tam zadržujejo potencialni potrošniki. Do njih bomo najhitreje prišli skozi izložbeno okno; torej: "Umetnost v izložbe!"

"Izložba v delu" je skupni projekt posadke Err0rja, ki bo skozi individualne poglede širila premiso instantne umetnosti, ready-madeov, trivialnosti vsakdana in geekovskega veseljačenja. Projekt bo potekal v letu 2009 v različnih izložbenih postavitvah. Posadka so: Daša Lakner, Peter Marinič, Jernej Županič, Almir Karič, Igor Mašera.

Vem, da si me slišal
Še en feministični projekt, boste rekli. Še enkrat nam hočejo povedati, da se položaj ženske še vedno ni spremenil, boste rekli. Še enkrat naj beremo feministične študije, si boste mislili. Ah, in ta gola telesa, si boste mislili. No, pa saj smo jih navajeni, boste pomislili in pozabili, kaj ste videli.

Instalacija omogoča obiskovalcu, da si vzame - odtrga - košček papirja, na katerem se izpisujejo feministične študije, za katerimi spletna aplikacija "brska" po medmrežju. Tiskalnik je simbolično vezan na mednožje izložbene lutke. Feministično pizdenje, bi rekli.

Projekt sta podprla Ministrstvo za kulturo RSin Mestna občina Ljubljana - Oddelek za kulturo.

petek, 3. april 2009

A man hater's diary

Organizing this festival makes you think – that's a logical consequence and nothing to get worried about. There are some things you have to go through before you die and it's all over, and thinking is definitely one of them, even if some people seem to do their best to avoid it. Ooops – see how easy it is to go there!? Allready two sentences into the text and i'm allready writing about some people.

Some people live and some people die, some people wear pink clothes and some people don't have any civil rights, some people believe in global warming and some people go to art school, some people like to get stoned every day and some people think that we have to consume our way out of the crisis... Ah, those people! And what about those feminists, what do they think about the state of the world? Hey you – Feminist! What do you think about the sexism in alternative cultural centers today?

Hja... Honestly, I have better things to do than to get upset about sexism 24 hours a day. What I'm interested in is what you think? Don't you have an oppinion of your own? As an anarchist, carpenter, teacher, artist, doctor, engineer, environmentalist, vegan, heterosexual, polygamist, christian, woman, ateist, journalist, transsexual, curator, neoliberal, man, vagabond, DJ, consumer, muslim, hacker, farmer, gastarbeiter, immigrant, emmigrant, nationalist, stripper, diplomat, director, secretary, insomniac, alcoholic...? Do you think? I'm sure you do.

Lets take prostitution for example, a hot topic on this years festival. Do you think that sex is a consumer goods just as any other or do you believe that the very act of buying and selling sex is equal to patriarchal violence? Is sex a civil right that should be substidised by the state, or should Johns be criminalized and sent to psychiatric institutions for reprogrammation? Do you believe sex work should be treated as work or exploitation? Does male and female sexuality differ in any way and if you believe it does – how? Is trafficking and illegal immigration gender issues or class issues? And what's the difference anyway? Those are not-so-simple-questons-at-all and don't stop to think that feminists (as a rase) agree about the answers. But as questions that are obviously concerning sexuality and gender I don't see how you could push it away from you as if you had nothing to do with it.

So why would you care what I think about it, don't you wonder what you think about it yourself? Instead of wining about those feminists that apparently got "issues", that feel "discriminated", that want "equality", that hate "men", that like "womyn" (oh, i love to play with those ironic little quotation marks...). You can project whatever prejudice you want on me, the only thing it says about us is that you can't handle the field where personal and political questions overlap and get complicated. We're not here to deconstruct our gender identities to a mythological prebinary zero, we're here to get our hands dirty with present day reality.

If you ask me, neither women nor men are automatically emancipated. Just because your mother ate food doesn't mean you can skip that step. Emancipation is about lifting yourself above predestinations and act as an independent human being. It's about transgression and growth. It's about exploring your human potential. It's to learn from experience. It's to demand justice not only when you're the one that's been done wrong. It's about ethics and responsibility. And the result is not some politically correct, perfect, sterile, androgynous clones – but authentic people! Authentic people that have the strenght to struggle with the contradictions of life. People that can love and be loved. But it's hard work of corse. A labour of love.

Oh, and I love men... I love men that take risks and dare to be self critical. I love men that take responsibility for their actions. I love horny men that feel secure about their sexuality and are curious about border crossing. I love men that challenge sterotypes and give others the same privilege without making a big deal about it. I love men that aren't afriad to loose their face in public and laugh in the face of power. I love men that don't bury all possibilities for change in narcissistic self destructivness and cynical self loathing. I love men that look at the future with hope, even when there's no reason to be positive at all. And yeah yeah, just for the record – that goes for women too. And all the rest of you. And me. And me. And me.

Anna Ehrle

četrtek, 2. april 2009

Posebna razstava Zvonke T Simčič, 5. april '09 ob 14h

Zavod CCC in Muzej premoderne umetnosti v Hotiču vabita v nedeljo 5.4.2009 ob 14 uri

na posebno razstavo, ki bo trajala le eno popoldne.

Avtorica Zvonka T Simčič bo

* kot svobodna ustvarjalka na področju kulture,
* kot mati in kot samohranilka

ob Adamovem drugem rojstnem dnevu javno pozvala državo k spremembam statusa samozaposlenih v kulturi.

Glasbeno obliko poziva bo izvedla kantavtorica Ksenija Jus - Xenia.

Zvonka T Simčič: »Simbolično bom razstavila svojega sina Adama, kot poziv državi k spremembi statusa samozaposlenih v kulturi.

Kot svobodna ustvarjalka na področju kulture, kot mati in kot samohranilka živim privilegij osebnega uvpogleda, beri izkustva, o delovanju »socialne države« visokega sveta Evropske unije.

Z vztrajnim iskanjem odkrivam posameznike, mojo rdečo nit, da kot umetnica lahko preživim. Zaradi premagovanja včasih nadčloveških naporov, ki jih vsakodnevno vlagam v boj za golo preživetje, bi lahko mirno dejala, da me ima Bog rad, oziroma, mi božje v meni ne dovoljuje obupati. Toda Bog ni država in Bog ni cerkev. Izrazito stanje videnega in čutenega je socialni antagonizem, razredni boj, ki preveva današnji svet. Ali lahko pokažemo, da nismo zgolj zgroženi, ampak tudi besni zaradi tega, kar so kapitalizem in njegova vojaška ter ekonomska zavezništva, formacije, strukture ter inštitucije naredili in še delajo z našimi življenji? Kapital nas je spremenil v sodobne sužnje in berače, ter nas oropal prihodnosti. Kapital izkorišča vse, razen nekaterih posameznikov prvega kapitalističnega sveta. Uničil je na milijone življenj!

Tudi umetniki smo v isti zmesi moči kapitala. Po statistikah smo v večini na lestvici plačanosti na nivoju delavcev, le da imamo pred njimi to prednost, da smo se hočeš nočeš naučili delati sto stvari, s katerimi hendlamo med levimi in desnimi zavoji. Tudi mi smo sužnji birokracije. Ne čudite se, če bomo na koncu razstavili nekaj, kar bo »zgolj dokument«, nekaj, v obliki prijavljanja, pobud, pritoževanja, dopolnjevanja dokumentov, nekaj, kar počnemo vsak dan. Čas za ustvarjanje lovimo nekje vmes. Ustvarjanje je boj za preživetje, ni slika ali kip, ni instalacija, ali video in ni Duchampovo porcelanasto urinalo, predmet, ki je z postavitvijo v galerijski prostor dobil drugo vlogo. Je mnogo bolj dematerializirana oblika materiala, ki ima še vedno isto vlogo v še eni dodani vlogi. Je ideja, ki ni več pomembna zgolj kot ideja, marveč mora imeti tudi moč po preživetju.

Zato Adam moj, toliko časa sem oklevala v pogumu, da postanem mati. Zavedala sem se svojega statusa umetnice. V kaj lahko pošljem še eno bitje, so bili moji strahovi? Danes sem drugačen človek in nikoli več ga nebi zamenjala za prejšnjega.

Zatorej pridite, lahko boste videli marsikateri dokument, ki govori o realnosti tega sveta, boste častni gostje trenutku, ko bo Adam prvič razstavljen kot artefakt v opomin državi, v opomin človeku. Skupaj bomo zapeli Vse najboljše za te, simbolično za novega človeka.

In na koncu, zakaj Muzej premoderne umetnosti? To je prostor, ki ni v upravljanju kapitala temveč prostor, ki ima svojo karizmo.

Za vse zgoščene informacije se vidimo v Hotiču. Lep pozdrav, Zavod CCC, Muzej premoderne umetnosti in vsi sodelujoči.

sreda, 1. april 2009

25. obletnica Magnus festivala

25 let gejevskega in lezbičnega aktivizma
Ljubljana 1984 – 2009

Četrtek, 16. 4. – Galerija Škuc: tradicionalni LGBT literarni večer – 20.00

Četrtek, 23. 4. – banketna dvorana Mestne hiše, Ljubljana: slavnostna okrogla miza: 25 let pozneje – 12.00-14.00

Petek, 24. 4. – kluba Škuc-Tiffany, Škuc LL-Monokel
- odprtje LGBT kulturnega centra Q z otvoritvijo razstave arhivskih materialov (22.00) in stand up komedija z Urško Sterle
- žur v obeh klubih s predstavitvijo novih Djjev/djk (23.00 – 5.00)

Sobota in nedelja, 25. 4. in 26. 4., od 14.00 dalje – kluba Škuc-Tiffany, Škuc LL-Monokel
- grafitarska delavnica
- kiparska delavnica
- slikarska delavnica
- filmski večer (filma Pred Stonewallom in Po Stonewallu) – 19.00

Torek, 28. 4. – kluba Škuc-Tiffany, Škuc LL-Monokel
- bralni krožek – pogovor o izbrani prozi in poeziji slovenskih LGBT piscev - 19.00
- filmski večer (izbrani slovenski LGBT kratki in daljši filmi) – 22.00

Sreda, 29. 4. – kluba Škuc-Tiffany, Škuc LL-Monokel
- umetniška akcija pred Lovci – 18.00
- instalacija Kje so naše kosti? – 19.00
- pogovorni večer: Queer brez meja: novi izzivi LGBT aktivizma, 20.30
- zaključek festivala z razstavo izdelkov z delavnic in druženjem, 22.00

Organizacija: ŠKUC, v sodelovanju z drugimi GLBT skupinami, april 2009,
Zgodovina gibanja na

petek, 27. marec 2009

Protest zaradi brutalnih umorov transeksualcev v Turčiji

V Turciji sta se v zadnjih stirinajstih dneh zgodila dva umora transeksualnih oseb. 24. marca 2009 je bilo v mestu Bursa na severozahodu Turcije najdeno se neidentificirano truplo transeksualne osebe, stare med 30 in 35 let. Zrtev je bila umorjena z nozem. Obglavljeno truplo je bilo grozljivo izmaliceno in odvrzeno v kontejner za smeti. 10. marca 2009 je bil na svojem domu v Istambulu umorjen transeksualnec Ebru Soykan, star 28 let. Umorjeni je bil aktivist organizacije za pravice gejev, lezbijk in transeskualcev 'Lambda Istambul'.

Zaradi narascanja nasilja nad transeksualci in pogostih umorov iz sovrastva, katerih zrtve so geji, lezbijke in transeksualci v Turciji, smo na Veleposlanistvo republike Turcije v Ljubljani naslovili protestno pismo. V pismu Nje. eksc. gospe Ayse Sezgin, veleposlanici, smo izrazili ogorcenje zaradi umorov in opozorili na odgovornost oblasti pri brezpogojnem in takojsnjem zagotavljanju zascite clovekovih pravic in pravice do varnosti gejev, lezbijk in transeksualnih manjsin v Turciji.

Nestrpnosti in nasilja nad transeksualci ni mogoce z nicemer opravicevati, neukrepanje in ignoranca pa kazeta na tiho odobravanje. V zvezi z nespostovanjem clovekovih pravic transeksualcev, lezbijk in gejev v Turciji so v zadnjem casu veckrat posredovale clovekoljubne nevladne organizacije, organi Evropske unije, kakor tudi tudi Svet Evrope.

Za SKUC-LL: Tatjana Greif

Sekcija SKUC-LL
Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana
T 4327 306 & 4327 368
M 040 950 973

petek, 20. marec 2009

XXX Until Dawn! - Missing links.

Povzetek ni na voljo. Kliknite tukaj, da si ogledate objavo.

sreda, 18. marec 2009

Eclipse: ‘10. Of blasphemy we are guilty’ v Galeriji Kapelica

V četrtek, 19. marca, ob 21. uri, bo v Galeriji Kapelica otvoritev projekta ‘10. Of Blasphemy We Are Guilty’, s katerim Tandem Eclipse beleži 10 let svojega delovanja.

Avtorici zapišeta: “V tem času je na žimnico soft porno kiča ze devetkrat položil bonbon s krvavo sredico. Tudi v deseto bo tako. Razstavo nosi 10 osebnosti, ki nas želijo s svojo neposredno izpovednostjo potopiti v empatijo. Pogled nam tako vračajo podobe tistih, s katerimi se nocemo identificirati, pa naj bodo njihove digresije se tako neznatne. Ženska brez materinskega čuta je lahko enako nerazumljena kot samomorilska napadalka. Kaj bi torej taka oseba morala povedati o sebi, da bi jo sprejeli? Bi se nam morala opravičiti? Morda zasmiliti? Jo rešuje lepota ali to, da je njena anomalija nemara biolosko predestinirana in je torej bolna? Mogoče. A njen nagovor bo uspešen le, ce jo bo gledalec prepoznal vsaj kot svoj bledi odsev. Pa vendar, take kot so, bivajo tudi brez pristanka. Ali kot pravijo same zase: So tiste, ki so. Vse drugo je pogojno in zato šteje manj.”

torek, 17. marec 2009

re.act.feminism - predavanja, seminar in performansi

Mesto žensk vabi!


Ljubljana, 13. marca, 2009 – Po otvoritvi projekta re.act.feminism/performativna umetnost 60ih in 70ih let danes v Galeriji Vžigalica, ki do 29. marca gosti obsežen video arhiv performansov pionirk in sodobnih avtoric te oblike umetniškega izraza, se bo do konca marca zgodila še vrsta dogodkov. Obiščejo nas priznane umetnostne zgodovinarke, kuratorice in teoretičarke, Bettina Knaup (ena izmed kustosinj gostujočega dela mednarodnega projekta), Angelika Richter, Dubravka Đurić, Barbara Borčič, Dubravka Duba Sambolec, Bojana Kunst, predstavijo pa se tudi umetnice Nada Prlja, Irena Tomažin in Lana Zdravković/KITCH. Dogajanja bodo potekala med 19. in 27. marcem v ljubljanski Galeriji Vžigalica – Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljana.

Del mednarodnega projekta dveh priznanih kustosinj Bettine Knaup in Beatrice E. Stammer – obsežen arhiv video posnetkov performansov iz 60ih in 70ih let – bodo spremljali različni dogodki na temo performativne umetnosti, njenih začetkov, razvoja in odraza te oblike umetniškega odražanja v sodobni umetniški produkciji.

19. marca bo v Galeriji Vžigalica med 10 in 18h na ogled postavljen video performans Lane Zdravković/KITCH (Slovenija) z naslovom Kako ona uživa: Golo branje Lacana. Video performans je refleksija o ženskem (seksualnem) užitku kot ga dojema lacanovska psihoanaliza (avtorica v videu bere iz besedila Jacquesa Lacana: Še). Deklarativno demokratična družba zlahka zdrsne v globine šovinizma, rasizma in nacionalizma. Zato je nenehen boj za enakost med spoli ne le feministični krik, pač pa in predvsem brezkompromisna zahteva za enakost ne glede na spol, nacionalno ali etnično pripadnost, raso ali kulturo, zaradi česar lahko delo razumemo predvsem kot poziv k radikalni enakosti.

20. marca se bo v Galeriji Vžigalica z začetkom ob 17h odvil seminar na temo performativne umetnosti 60ih in 70ih let danes, ki se ga bodo udeležile:

Bettina Knaup (Nemčija), ena izmed kustosinj mednarodnega projekta re.act.feminism/performativna umetnost 60ih in 70ih let danes, ki bo spregovorila o samem projektu, vzgibih za njegovo pripravo ter o nastanku in razvoju performativne umetnosti, ki je nastajala sočasno s teorijo feminizma.

Angelika Richter (Nemčija), umetnostna zgodovinarka in kuratorica nam bo predstavila specifično politično in kulturno situacijo vzhodne Nemčije, ki jo je potrebno upoštevati, ko govorimo o vizualni umetnosti, še posebej o stvaritvah ženskih umetnic tistega časa. Zasledovala bo predvsem vprašanje, zakaj ni bilo feministične tradicije v umetnosti niti performativne umetnosti v Vzhodni Nemčiji v 60ih in 70ih letih.

Dubravka Đurić (Srbija), pisateljica, predavateljica na Fakulteti za medije in komunikacije v Beogradu ter Beograjskem centru za ženske študije in soustanoviteljica revije ProFemina, bo predstavila prispevek o (nez)možnosti sklicevanja na univerzalnost vzhodno evropske umetnosti v relaciji do zahodne umetnosti ter odnosu med umetnostjo žensk in umetnostjo moških. Svoje predavanje bo orisala s primeri del treh umetnic (Marina Abramović, Vlasta Delimar in Katalin Ladik).

Barbara Borčič, direktorica Zavoda SCCA – Ljubljana bo govorila o oblikah dokumentacije in arhiviranja videa ter njegove dostopnosti. Osredotočila se bo na rabo video tehnologije v jugoslovanskem kontekstu 70ih let, ko sta bila v rabi dva termina za ilustracijo razlike med video umetnostjo in z videom zabeleženo umetnostjo oziroma kompleksnosti odnosa med njima.

25. marca bo z začetkom ob 17h umetnica in univerzitetna predavateljica Dubravka Duba Sambolec (Slovenija, Norveška) spregovorila o svojem umetniškem opusu, ki predstavlja artikulacijo epistemoloških in ontoloških interpretacij našega obstoja. Osredotočila se bo predvsem na svoje video performanse, ki so nastajali od leta 1999 naprej in govorijo o kontroli, dominaciji, podreditvi in strategijah preživetija, naslavljajo kulturno represijo v vsakdanjem življenju in v času krize, vprašanja ženske identitete in izginotja centra v kontekstu globalizacije, namenjeni pa so instalaciji na javnih mestih zato, da o perečih družbenih zadevah komunicirajo z mimoidočimi. Predstavila bo tudi svoja ostala dela, sestavljena iz multimedijskih instalacij (»Collectors«), skulptur, risb, video performansov, site-specific skulptur in digitalnih foto kolažev.

26. marca ob 17h začne s predavanjem Bojana Kunst (Slovenija), raziskovalka na ljubljanski Filozofski fakulteti in predavateljica na podiplomskem študiju Filozofija in teorija vizualne kulture, Fakultete za humanistične študije Koper ter avtorica treh knjig in mnogih člankov s področja sodobnih scenskih umetnosti in teorije umetnosti. V okviru projekta bo na različnih primerih umetniških del predstavila, kako se spreminja reprezentacija naravnega telesa v performansu. Če feministični performans v 60ih letih postavi naravo telesa v središče kritičnega raziskovanja reprezentacije in vloge ženskega telesa v umetnosti, se danes vprašanje narave znova vrača, vendar pa je ob tem tudi temeljno rekonceptualizirano. S primeri različnih umetniških praks se bo dotaknila različnih teorij naravnega telesa in skušala umestiti nova vprašanja Njene narave v sodobne politične in ekonomske kontekste.

Predavanju bo sledila predstavitev zvočnega performansa Irene Tomažin aka iT (Slovenija) z naslovom 'glasovanja', ki bo skozi glasovne kolaže eksperimentalne širine in improvizatorske svobode poskrbela za zelo močno in osebno zvočno izkušnjo.

27. marca v Galeriji Vžigalica se bo med 10 in 18h uro z živim nastopom in video performansom predstavila umetnica Nada Prlja (Makedonija, VB), pri čemer gre za adaptaciji dveh performansov svetovno priznane umetnice Marine Abramović. Performans z naslovom Svetovni Barok je reakcija na Abramovićin Balkan Barok, medtem ko se z video performansom €(Euro) avtorica odziva na danes že zgodovinski performans z naslovom Thomas Lips iz leta 1975, v katerem se je Abramovićeva spraševala o pomenu političnih prepričanj.

Celotni zgoraj omenjeni program sodi v okvir projekta re.act.feminism/performativna umetnost 60ih in 70ih let danes, katerega osrednji del je obsežen video arhiv osemdesetih video posnetkov del svetovno priznanih umetnic performansa, ki je do 29. marca na voljo obiskovalcem za izposojo in ogled v Galeriji Vžigalica na Trgu francoske revolucije 7 v Ljubljani. Projekt je predfestivalski dogodek 15. mednarodnega festivala Mesto žensk.

Projekt je organiziralo Društvo za promocijo žensk v kulturi – Mesto žensk, v koprodukciji z re.act.feminism/performativna umetnost 60ih in 70ih let danes, Akademie der Künste, Berlin in ob podpori ERSTE fundacije, Oddelka za kulturo Mestne občine Ljubljana in fundacije Hauptstadt Kulturfond, A space for live art, ter v sodelovanju s Potemkinovimi vasmi.